
The Save Half Movement Goes International

Posted on the 17 February 2014 by Kathleen O'Malley @frugalportland

Coolest thing happened a while back.

Someone read the save half idea and made it her own.

Only she is in Mexico. Knowing full well that I don’t speak or read much Spanish (fair assumption, at least), she sent me the link, then translated it for me.

How cool is this? Translated content below, although I changed the adorable “sabe” to “save” — more effective, less adorable.

save half en espanol

Frugal Portland wrote an excellent post about her goal to save half her income in 2014. Half. Half. HALF.HALF!

Could you save half of your income?

When I read it, I wanted to be saving just as much. I felt inspired and moved. If we could save half of our income (Boyfriend’s and mine), all our goals would be within our reach. We could buy a house in cash in a few years and take exotic trips. We could work less and spend more time together and with our loved ones.

Then I thought it wasn’t possible. I have certain expenses (rent, food, smartphone and other important things). I want to live life, not be a sourpuss who doesn´t leave her flat and reuses her coffee capsules. I don´t earn even half of what Frugal Portland wants to save. My half would be just breadcrumbs to them. I only see reasons excuses why I cannot achieve that.

Even though I would love to, I think that for the moment, saving 50% of our income is not a reasonable goal. It was when we still lived with our parents. When we decided to move in together, Boyfriend and I made the determination to save more than half our paychecks. Well, maybe I made the determination, but saving with a clear goal in mind works for Boyfriend . We wanted to rent a nice flat and buy a good sofa and a bed not from Ikea. Without forgetting a good emergency fund, so we could avoid asking our parents for help or, worse, having to go back home should any problem arise.

Saving 50% of our income is a mid-term goal, an objective to aim at on which to focus our efforts. To achieve that, we would no doubt have to tighten our belts (yes, I too hate that expression), but I think that the most important thing would be to earn more. This year we must put in the foundations that will help us reach that goal: try harder at work (if possible, ;)), learn new skills that will enable us to improve and set us apart from the rest, and look for alternative (and legal) way to make more money.

Do you save half your income or more? If so, I´d love to learn how.

That was awesome. Saving half is such a cool concept that it knows no boundaries!

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