Humor Magazine

The Saturday Six: WTF Headlines

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss
 saturday six

Grandfather had a special way to fold his newspaper when he read it. It was quite the origami master fold. It was so he could read the paper easier and then end with the jumble puzzle as a treat for getting through the boring political sections.

For those unfamiliar with newspapers, they are long and wide.

*That’s what she said.*

Yes…yes…we are not above doing a ‘that’s what she said joke.’

We have a feeling that’s what really killed the newspaper…their weird, hard to read, have to fold a million ways, ink on the hands, silly putty doesn’t work on it anymore, ways…not the internet.

Maybe if they could invent newspapers like the kind they had in the Harry Potter movies…


This week’s SS6 focuses on some eye grabbing headlines, whether intentional or not,  from such archaic newspapers and their modern online cousins.

1. Missing Woman Might Have A Clue To Her Whereabouts


Calahan – She then donated the reward money she received for finding herself to someone chosen randomly out of the phonebook. That was her, too!

Chris - Woman 1: Who are we looking for? Woman 2: You. Woman 1: Oh, have you tried my cell phone? Woman 2: Yes, it says your lost. Woman 1: That’s weird, I don’t feel lost.

Katie - Crashing your own search party? Even I have better manners than that.

Ned: One month later, she is abducted by a serial killer but is able to sneak a call to the police from the back of his windowless van. “Officer O’Reilly speaking. Who is this? Oh, JENNIFER WELLS! What is it THIS time? Psychopath got you tied up in his van?” *makes jerking off motion* “Oh sure, Jen. We’ll get right on that!” — click…

Omawarisan – Everyone loves a good party.

2. New Department At IKEA Not As Popular As Expected


Calahan – There’s an IKEA meatball joke in there, but I will avoid it. Just as I do IKEA meatballs.

Chris - Well, at least it’s a testament to how comfy the bed is….

Katie - In the Netherlands, if you use IKEA furniture that you didn’t assemble yourself, you go to jail.

Ned: I almost did the same thing at the Salvation Army thrift store once. But someone had already puked in the bed.

Omawarisan – If she did this at IKEA, didn’t she vömit?

3. It’s All About Me


Calahan – Sorry, Mary. I’m happy for you and all, but I only visit women who are ranked in the top 50. So, once again, I’ll be visiting the Haggis canning factories instead of Mary Johnston.

Chris - I was kicked out of the Mary Johnston attraction for asking to see her boobs.

Katie - If only her photo had been rotated, she may have made it into the top 80.

Ned: If she’s the 87th most popular attraction, I can think of another 86 reasons NOT to visit Glasgow.

Omawarisan : I went to the prom with Mary Johnston. She was once ranked quite a bit higher.

4. Why Dwarfs Sometimes Shop In The Boy’s Department


Calahan – “No, it’s true, officer. And… Um, and I’m also driving a car that’s a Transformer and, um, we’re going to my grandparents’ house to, uh, fight their 1982 Oldsmobile who’s a, uh, a bad guy. A Decepticon! That’s what I meant. Oh, hey, you wanna watch me hold my breath? Okay, watch!”

Katie - Follow-up headline: “Parents of 10-year-old boy discover he’s a pathological liar in the strangest way possible.”

Ned: One night in a cell with Peter Dinklage should set him straight.

Omawarisan: As soon as The Learning Channel heard the word dwarf they offered him his own show.

5. It’s So Hard Sometimes


Calahan – I’ve inadvertently stumbled across nudists and, trust me, there is no reason to have to fight an erection of any kind. *shudder*

Chris - I’m naked right now.

Ned: That’s IT! I’m tired of fighting with nudists! My erection and I are going to a beach where people appreciate having a shady spot.

6. The Cowardly Lion


Calahan – It makes me want to investigate just how flavorfully delicious their Reese’s Monkey exhibit is.

Chris - The milk bone dispenser next to the exhibit should have given this away immediately.

Katie - “Chinese zoo patrons under fire for believing animal that is unmistakably a fluffy dog is actually a big cat”

Ned: How gullible can the Chinese BE? It’s obviously a guy in a lion suit.

Omawarisan – The dog was hairy. So, it was Italian?



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