Even if you think you don’t know who Steve Buscemi is…you know him. He is one of those actors whom you have seen in many different films and when he pops up in the movie, you say,
“Oh yeah…that guy! He’s good! And creepy! But still good!”
This is Steve Buscemi:

He usually plays sleazy, bad, corrupt, or just down right weird guys with no redeeming value to their character at all.
Someone on the Internets decided that they were bored, and their photoshop program was bored, so why not take Disney Princess’ eyes and replace them with Steve Buscemi’s?
Not a bad idea…however I think Steve’s mouth and teeth are more iconic than his eyes.

In other news…I kind of want this shirt:

Happy Saturday!
1. Elsa In Fargo
Omawarisan: I have no idea what Frozen is about. I think you’re supposed to let something go, but that’s about it. Buscemi was great in Fargo, and then he was in the woodchipper.
BrainRants: I want to say, “For the love of god, not another ‘Frozen’ meme,” but this is an improvement.
The Hedonist: I know your eyes are “up here” but can I just continue looking at your boobs?
Ned: I believe this is actually Elsa’s stunt double.
List of X: I really wish I could let go of that image.
2. Ariel In The Island
Omawarisan: I’ve never understood the mermaid thing. Do men who like mermaids look at one and say something clever like “I’d filet that”? I, for one, would not filet this.
BrainRants: Reminds me of this barfly I once met… ugh.
The Hedonist: Lack of legs? Fine. Mysterious fishy smell? Ok. But this is a deal-breaker.
Ned: This is a rare animation cell from a deleted scene, in which Ariel has become a prostitute and Sebastion sings “Kiss da Bitch.”
List of X: Prolonged exposure to seawater tends to do that to eyes.
3. Mulan In Rising Sun

Omawarisan: Wasn’t Mulan a girl who pretended to be a man? This looks like a man pretending to be a girl pretending to be a man. A man who has been hit with a shovel.
BrainRants: Oma, it’s called, ‘birth defect.’
The Hedonist: I’m Asian and there were times when I was growing up when I used to want to look like the other kids in the neighborhood. Good thing wishes don’t come true.
Ned: Hurry! Someone get Rene Zellweger’s plastic surgeon!
List of X: The dragon: I can’t look, I can’t look!
4. Pocahontas In Lonesome Dove
Omawarisan: Way too intense.
BrainRants: *cue un-synched voiceover* “Your kung fu no good… my kung fu beat your kung fu… now we fight! Hai!”
Chris: This is the look I get whenever I try to be funny around my wife.
The Hedonist: Little known fact – John Smith brought Pocanhontas’ sisters back to England as well. His friends would’ve preferred the “Someone went to the New World and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.” souvenir.
Ned: Grandchildren who look like this is exactly why Pocahontas’ father was against her marrying a white man.
5. Rapunzel In Con (H)Air

Omawarisan: I’m off topic here, but have you ever met someone with hair past their waist or longer who was not out of their mind?
BrainRants: Dirth Befect.
Ned: I’m confused. I thought this was supposed to be Disney princesses? Isn’t this Britney Spears?
List of X: It was Rapunzel’s allergy to steel that made her avoid both haircutter’s scissors and an eye reconstruction surgery.
6. Snow White In Pulp Fiction

Omawarisan: Wow. The Prince should have let her snooze another hour or so.
BrainRants: “Yeeeesssss…. pretty ring, my preeeciouuuuussss…”
The Hedonist: See? That’s why genetically modified apples are not good for you.
Ned: Hey, she spent every night with SEVEN male dwarves. How much sleep do you think she got?
List of X: Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the scariest of them all?
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