Humor Magazine

The Saturday Six: Creative Business Cards

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss
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Hi there!

You know what you hardly see anymore nowadays?  Those fishbowl things at the local restaurant that you drop your business card into and win a burrito or free gelato for a week.

You know why?

 Because everyone’s information is online, which means that people don’t need to carry business cards anymore.

And do you know what has replaced the business card?

This thing:


The Saturday Six: Creative Business Cards

The Quick Response or QR code was originally designed in 1994 by the Japanese to keep track of automobiles.  Either that, or it may have been a character sketch for some Atari game.  One or the other.  Nonetheless, they are used today the world over to receive $5 off sandwiches at those food trucks that sell cold scrambled eggs. This is what we call “moving technology forward.”

Do you know what company has suffered most because of this movement in technology?  Yes, you guessed it!  Business Card Case Holder manufacturers.

However, there are still a few die hard business card carrying people walking among us.  But if memory serves correctly, rock beats scissors; scissors beats paper; paper beats rock; and technology beats the shit out of all of those other kindergarten implements, which is why business cards have to be really creative in order to be effective.

So, today’s Saturday Six celebrates the creativity of the modern day business card.



1.)  Cosmetic Surgeon Business Card


Step 1:  Insert index and middle finger into designated cutouts.  Step 2:  finger boobs.  You may try experimenting with the size and direction of your business card boobs.  We don’t mind.

2.)  Circumciser’s Business Card


Do not insert any male lower regional extremities into cutout.  (tee hee)

3.)  Miniature Plumber’s Plunger


Also useful for extracting pool water from a clogged ear.

4.)  Table Tennis Business Card


“Here’s my card,  now let’s play to 21 real quick when I find my paddle with this magnifying glass.”

5.)  Hair Dresser Business Card


“Give me a call, but first give me about 20 minutes to prepare the phone number for you.”

6.)  Yoga Trainer Business Card


How about we just watch you get stretchy instead?

Happy Saturday!



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