Restricted Area
Areas with a very high morbidity index and a rapid growth rate may be declared as restricted areas.
Before you are the restrictions on leaving the house, the services available to citizens and fines for violating guidlines in the restrictd area.
As part of the fight against coronavirus, areas with indications of significant morbidity and high infection rate are declared as restricted areas. Those with very high morbidity numbers and a rapid morbidity growth rate may be declared as restricted areas.
These areas are subject to strict restrictions that include, in addition to gathering restrictions, restrictions on leaving the house and traffic within the area.
To find out if your place of residence is defined as a restricted area

Educational activities in a restricted area
All educational activities will not take place, except for special education, at-risk youth frameworks and day care centers.
Limitations on gatherings in restricted areas
up to 20 people may gather outdoors and 10 indoors.
• Funerals with up to 20 people may take place.
:Places that are not allowed to operate in the restricted area, between 19:00 in the evening and 5:00 in the morning
All stores are closed to the public, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies, hygiene, optics and laboratories for repairing communication products.
Places for receiving an audience whose activities have not been prohibited can operate a delivery service to a residence or other structure and place the delivery near the entrance to the residence.
Restrictions on leaving home within the confined area
It is forbidden to leave the house to a public space, between 19:00 in the evening and 5:00 in the morning, except for one of the following actions:
• Exit for short-term ventilation and a distance of up to 500 meters.
• Sports activities of an individual with another regular person or of people living in the same place, for a distance of up to 500 meters.
• Equipping with essential food, medicine and products and receiving essential services.
• Exit to the workplace only in places that have been approved for operation.
• Purchasing food, medications, and essential products, and receiving essential services.
• Receiving medical services.
• Assisting another person for medical reasons, difficulty functioning, or distress which requires assistance.
• Donating blood.
• Protests.
• Legal proceedings.
• Going to the Knesset.
• Treatment at a welfare institution.
• Going to a mikvah (ritual bath.)
• Going to pray, a funeral, a Brit, or a wedding.
• Sports activities involving a single individual with a permanent partner or people who live in the same place.
• Going out for air for a short period of time and for a distance of up to 500 meters.
• Transferring a minor whose parents live apart from the home of one parent to the home of the other.
• Transfer of a minor if the parent responsible for the minor must leave for an essential purpose, and no one responsible in their place of residence is able to supervise the minor.

Fines applicable in restricted areas:
• Leaving the place of residence for a purpose that is not allowed - NIS 500.
• Refusing to a police officer demanding to disperse a crowd in a restricted area - NIS 1,000.
• Opening a business contrary to the guidelines: up to 5 employees - NIS 2,000, 6-50 employees - NIS 4,000, more than 50 employees - NIS 6,000.
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