Books Magazine

The Roses Of May

By Pamelascott
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Four months after the explosion at the Garden, a place where young women known as the Butterflies were kept captive, FBI agents Brandon Eddison, Victor Hanoverian, and Mercedes Ramirez are still entrenched in the aftermath, helping survivors in the process of adjusting to life on the outside. With winter coming to an end, the Butterflies have longer, warmer days of healing ahead. But for the agents, the impending thaw means one gruesome thing: a chilling guarantee that somewhere in the country, another young woman will turn up dead in a church with her throat slit and her body surrounded by flowers.

Priya Sravasti's sister fell victim to the killer years ago. Now she and her mother move every few months, hoping for a new beginning. But when she ends up in the madman's crosshairs, the hunt takes on new urgency. Only with Priya's help can the killer be found-but will her desperate hope for closure compel her to put her very life on the line?


Her name is Darla Jean Carmichael, and she's your first.


I loved The Roses of May. The Butterfly Garden is one of my favourite books I've read over the past couple of years so I couldn't wait to read The Roses of May. Although the book is listed as the Collector part 2 it really isn't. This is more of a companion novel. Some characters from The Butterfly Garden feature but the main story is completely unrelated. The Roses of May was chilling and addictive. I was gripped from start to finish. I loved Priya's character; she is tough yet vulnerable because of what she has gone through. The killer is almost as unsettling as The Collector but not quite as gruesome. I liked the way the author continues the story of the Butterflies as they start to heal. The Roses of May is fantastic. A must read.

The Roses Of May

The Roses Of May

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