
The Role of Organic Waste in California’s Climate Strategy: A Deep Dive into SB 1383 with John Gessin

Posted on the 15 May 2024 by Shoumya Chowdhury

California has long been a leader in environmental policy, setting ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing innovative strategies to achieve these targets. One of the state’s key initiatives is Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383), which aims to reduce organic waste disposal and curb methane emissions from landfills. Passionate experts are pivotal in advancing the dialog on how organic waste management can play a crucial role in climate strategies.

Understanding SB 1383

SB 1383 was signed into law in 2016, focusing on reducing short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), including methane, which is far more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of its warming potential. Organic waste in landfills is a major source of methane emissions because when organic matter such as food scraps and yard waste decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen), it produces methane. By redirecting organic waste from landfills to recycling and recovery processes, SB 1383 seeks to significantly cut these emissions.

Goals and Requirements of SB 1383

The law sets several ambitious targets:

– By 2020, reduce organic waste disposal by 50% from 2014 levels.

– By 2025, reduce organic waste disposal by 75% from 2014 levels.

– Additionally, the law aims to rescue at least 20% of currently disposed surplus food by 2025 to help feed the hungry.

These targets necessitate major changes in how cities, businesses, and individuals handle organic waste, prompting widespread adaptation to new waste management practices.

Impact on Municipalities and Businesses

Municipalities and businesses across California are required to provide organic waste collection services and to procure recovered organic products like compost and mulch. This shift not only aids in reducing methane emissions but also promotes the production and use of sustainable natural fertilizers and soil amendments. 

John Gessin, an advocate for sustainable agricultural practices, emphasizes the dual benefit of such measures: “By transforming our approach to organic waste, we not only reduce harmful emissions but also enrich our soils, enhancing their ability to act as carbon sinks and improve plant growth.”

Technological and Community Initiatives

To meet the requirements of SB 1383, new technologies and strategies are being implemented. These include advancements in anaerobic digestion technologies that efficiently process organic waste into biogas and compost. Community composting programs are also on the rise, providing local solutions to organic waste management while educating the public on the importance of such practices.

John Gessin points out, “Innovative technologies and community engagement are critical in making SB 1383 a success. These efforts make organic waste recycling more accessible and effective, significantly amplifying the environmental benefits.”

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the clear benefits, the implementation of SB 1383 presents challenges. The initial costs for establishing new collection and processing infrastructure can be high. Additionally, there is a need for significant public education to change the habits of residents and businesses regarding waste disposal.

However, these challenges also present opportunities for economic growth and job creation in the emerging green technology and waste management sectors. Moreover, by reducing organic waste in landfills, California reduces its dependence on landfill space, which is becoming increasingly scarce.

The Broader Implications for Climate Change

The strategies deployed under SB 1383 extend beyond methane reduction. They contribute to a broader climate resilience strategy by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers, which are energy-intensive to produce.

John Gessin advocates for viewing organic waste management not just as a necessity for compliance, but as a component of a holistic environmental strategy. “Organic waste management should be part of our larger environmental consciousness. It’s about creating systems that sustain not only the present but also the future,” he notes.


As California continues to lead with ambitious environmental policies like SB 1383, the focus on organic waste management serves as a model for other states and countries. The proactive measures being taken to tackle organic waste are a testament to a commitment to a sustainable future. With experts like John Gessin leading the way, there is a clear path forward towards reducing our environmental impact and paving the way for a more sustainable world. The success of SB 1383 could inspire similar actions globally, underscoring the importance of integrated approaches to climate change mitigation.

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