Society evolved and what was seen as common practice a few years ago is no longer accurate. Nowadays, modern women do expect the same rights as men and education evolved to the point where engagement rings are no longer just for women.
Women have many reasons to consider proposing. In some situations this happens as the woman just wants to know where the relationship is at. Also, we do have the situation in which the woman is faced with a better financial stability where she thinks that it is financial worries stopping the man from buying an engagement ring. No matter what situation we are faced with, younger crowds do gravitate towards gender role sharing without any associated embarrassment. This led towards a constant growth in popularity for handmade engagement rings for men.

The Fiancee Is Taken
Women do now want other women to know the fact that the fiancée is taken so it is normal to see that increase in man-gagement rings. Jewellery stores are quickly picking up the trend and feminists do consider it offensive that they have to wear an engagement ring, showcasing that they are taken, while men do not have such a limit that is imposed. Couples do buy matching rings, without taking into account who proposed.
Men Do Wear Jewellery
A few years ago, up until the late nineties, most men did not wear jewellery. This trend did change. There are many men that wear designer clothes and jewellery. Because of this shift, many men are feeling a little slighted that girlfriends receive beautiful engagement rings and they do not. Women thus now buy matching engagement rings for their soon to be spouses. We also see a constant increase in the number of men that buy their very own engagement rings, usually as a set that comes with the woman’s.
Gay Marriage Rights
In the USA we have gay marriage being legal in all states. That automatically led towards a growth in the number of male engagement rings as they basically take on a brand new meaning together with the legal aspect of gay marriage. Various jewellery stores in states that were progressive about this matter are now promoting diversity and actually have many interesting diamond rings that are designed for men that want to engage to other men.
Creating New Traditions
Engagement rings for men are driven in part by the fact that the younger generation is now looking to create brand new traditions and distance itself from the older traditions. The current generation has a reputation of bucking tradition and going on a new path with millennials embracing equality and the evolution of marriage.
On the whole, we can say that marriage is nowadays seen differently and engagement rings for men are no longer taboo. They are accepted and they are becoming a part of culture in many parts of the world. There is no shame in wearing one and there are some that are incredibly beautiful in jewellery stores that embraced change.