Politics Magazine

The Rise of Dual Screening

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Weszmadz @weszmadz

Thanks Wesz for letting me guest post! I would like to share an extract from the Mobile Recruiting Guide 2012 which I co-authored. You can download the guide for free.

Mobile and tablet devices may not provide the user with a keyboard or high powered computing capabilities but they do deliver unparalleled convenience. These highly portable devices switch on at a touch of button with no waiting and are always connected to the web. 

“Arms reach” and “use anywhere” convenience has driven a dramatic rise of dual screen consumption. The mass market is now interacting with mobile web from the sofa or the bed, often while watching the TV at the same time. A UK national TV broadcaster recently carried out research which found that 60% of their audience was browsing the web from a mobile / tablet while watching TV. The implications of mass mobile web consumption in the home over WiFi, instead of on the move via cellular networks has revolutionized traditional assumptions of mobile web and driven huge levels of mobile video content consumption.

The mobile web adoption rates for South Africa and neighbouring markets show that mobile is the primary Internet connection for many people.

If you consider the tight coupling between mobile and social media it quickly becomes clear that any company pursuing a social recruiting strategy is wasting their time if they are not engaging a mobile strategy at the same time.

The Mobile Recruiting Guide 2012 is aimed to provide strategic and tactical advice to support companies implementing mobile recruiting.

If you have mobile recruiting questions or have recently released an recruiting mSite please tweet me so I can blog about! (@Mobile_Dave)

Check out this US centric infographic which summarises todays circumstances.

The rise of dual screening

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