Religion Magazine

the Restaurant with the Torah Decor

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
This is upsetting and shameful.
A non-kosher Chumus restaurant in the Carmel Shuk of Tel Aviv is located in what used to be a shul. They have on display, hanging from the wall, an open Torah scroll.
The fact that it is a non-kosher restaurant is besides the point, as this would be inappropriate and shameful even if it were a kosher restaurant. However, if it were a kosher restaurant this would not have happened - the kashrut mashgiach would see it at some point and make them take it down.
Furthermore, the decor of the former shul is all still intact, with the old shul signs and prayers still hanging on the walls.
All this together, whether the Torah itself or the decor of the shul, might make a potential diner think the restaurant is kosher.
source: Bechadrei
I am surprised as to the insensitivity of the owner who did this.
It hurts to put these pictures up here, but I think it is important.
the restaurant with the Torah decor
the restaurant with the Torah decor
the restaurant with the Torah decor
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