There is something special about food from your own country, the food you grew up with. I love Indian food but being an expat, there are those times when you daydream about food, salivate about food, and when you happen to get your little mits on some imported food, you feel like you're holding diamonds in your hands.
Those who have travelled or lived abroad will understand the cravings you get. When I arrived in England, after a year of living in India, the first thing I ate was a vegetarian version of a full English breakfast- it was divine!
After that gorgeous meal, I continued on a six week binge eating session, which involved the following items:
- Cheddar cheese
- Halloumi cheese
- Emmental cheese
- Wensleydale and cranberry cheese
- Goat cheese
- Cheese scones
- Cheese and Victorian chutney sandwiches
- Cheesecake
- Beans on toast
- Peanut butter
- Vegetarian sausages
- Chip shop chips (really thick and greasy ones)
- Guacamole
- Burritos
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Pickled onion monster munch (crisps)
- Poppy seed rolls
- Tiger bread
- Fruit yoghurt
- Rolo yoghurt
- Chocolate cake
- Lemon drizzle cake
- Almond slice
- Cranberry sauce on roast potatoes
- Mince pies (a Christmas treat!)
- Chocolate limes (hard boiled sweets with chocolate in the middle)
- Fudge of every flavour
- Sunday dinner with cheese and nut roast!
The first two weeks I was back in England, I was having two cheese, tomato and crisp sandwiches for breakfast! I couldn't get enough of them! You may pick up on a theme here, I love cheese.
The result of my food reunion?
I gained 18 pounds (that's over 8 kilograms) during my six weeks in England, which I thought wasn't too bad considering everything I had been eating. The weight gain is noticeable, I'm very lucky Indian clothes are loose and I can still fit in them! So, I've come back to India heavier than I was, after being told I should to lose weight before I left (not by my husband, someone else), but I seriously don't care... I do not regret a single delicious mouthful! Yum