
The REAL STORY Why Jeremy Lin Isn't In The NBA

Posted on the 04 August 2019 by Vinhta
For more info on the BBALLBREAKDOWN Online Membership: Linsanity hit, Jeremy Lin was on top of the world, giving hope to all New York Knicks fans. But his journey became complicated by bad situations and poor team fits, and it's left Lin confused and upset as no team is willing to offer him a contract. Coach Nick digs into the footage to find out why.nSpecial thanks to our sponsor SEAT GEEK: HERE FOR MORE: Aurora_Currents by Asher Fuleron"Funkman" by K. LOUKn"Busybody" by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ("Distance" by Anno Dominin"Welcome" By Anno Dominin"Dark Tranquility" by Anno DomininABOUT BBALLBREAKDOWNnBBallBreakdown is devoted to deep-dive analysis of NBA basketball gameplay. If you're a coach or a player, check out the MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP - filled with an ever growing library of on court demos designed to help you improve your play and your coaching! Giving fans a taste of a pro coach's film session, host Coach Nick breaks down fundamentals, play calling, offense, defense, shooting form, officiating, and everything else basketball. In addition, see exclusive interviews with NBA players and coaches, from active super stars to retired legends. The REAL STORY Why Jeremy Lin Isn't In The NBA

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