Post, Comment and Share?
If your time is limited, which do you prefer to do post, comment and share? And do you share before or after? Which order is the best path to your blog’s success?
To post takes time. Time to do the research. Time to pick your topic wisely. Time to look for your creative image and maybe optimize it with Smush it. Time to spell check. Of course if you are passionate about a topic you can generate a post in less than an hour. It’s always best to proof it at another time. Let it sit then re-proof one more time. The posts in your blog is your hub – it’s where you can start or not?
Commenting takes time too. Which websites or blogs do you comment on? What if you read a post and cannot add anything to it? What if you diagree – how can you tacticfully comment about that? If you do not comment often you may find your own post with less comments. You also get to know other bloggers better and form relationships through the commenting like Adrienne pointed out last week. It’s like the chicken and the egg, which came first?
The saying is sharing is caring right? We must share. Share others’ great content. Part of sharing is also interacting. This all takes time too. Sharing can take more time than creating your own blog bost. Especially if you are on multiple social sites. And then of course you may get lost there sharing as you see friends (Bren, Mayura, Corina, Candice, to name a few) and want to connect. It happens to me all the time. I see friends active on Facebook, Twitter or G Plus and away I go on a conversation. But that’s the fun part! We need to have fun too right?
@lisapatb Glad you had fun, that’s important. Gonna make General Tsos Chicken. Found the spice packet so I’m giving it a try.How about u?
— Corina Ramos (@WFHConcepts) April 7, 2013
@lisapatb cold seems to finally be on its way out. Still l coughing but not as much. How are you?
— Candice ⚓ (@TheNewModernMom) April 7, 2013
Lately I’ve been running behind – behind on posting, behind on commenting and even behind on sharing. It made me wonder, what do others do when this happens? I know it must happen to others at times. Life happens, we all have situations that come up that take us away from our blogs. So we really need a system or to get in a groove. We can learn something from chickens in my SlideShare.
So if you have limited time, which do you do first? Do you post, comment or share?
Do you have a routine that works well for you?
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at