(These caricatures of Biden and Sanders are by the inimitable DonkeyHotey.)
Joe Biden has had three very good primary nights in a row -- first in South Carolina, then on Super Tuesday, and finally with the March 10th primaries. The result is that Biden now has about a 140 delegate lead over Bernie Sanders.
This has some political pundits and party officials saying the race is over. They want Sanders to suspend his campaign so the party can "unify" to take on Trump in November. They are wrong!
This race for the presidential nomination is far from over. Only 24 states have voted -- 26 more (and some territories) have yet to vote. And neither candidate has even reach the 1000 delegate mark (let alone the 1991 needed to secure the nomination). It is not yet time to pressure Sanders to drop out.
Politics is a strange animal. Before South Carolina, everyone was writing off the Biden candidacy as dead. Then he made one of the most remarkable comebacks in modern American politics. Who is to say that the Sanders candidacy couldn't do the same?
If we really want to unify the party, then we should let the race complete itself. You won't get Sanders' supporters to climb on board the Biden train by refusing to let them have their say at the ballot box. Let them vote. There is no rush. If they are allowed to make their statement by voting, they will be much more likely to unify for the November fight to unseat Trump.
I am not a Sanders supporter, and I think it is likely that Biden will win the nomination. But there is no reason to rush the process. The process established is for the voters to choose their nominee. Let them do it!