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The Quest For Personal Mastery Review 2021 – By Srikumar Rao (Is It Worth It ?)

Posted on the 05 December 2021 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

People who are finding the quest for personal mastery review in 2021, then this is what where you should stop your steps.

Recent changes have occurred in the world. For at least the next few months, we're going to spend more time at home.

If you want to master business and life, you could either endlessly scroll through your Facebook feed or you could learn how to do it from a successful business school professor.

I know which one I am going to do.

Professor Srikumar Rao teaches the 45-day Personal Mastery course at Mind Valley to help you overcome limiting beliefs, boost your resilience, and develop a successful life.

I'm always searching fore ways to improve my life as the founder of Hack Spirit, a blog on self-improvement and mindfulness.

I knew immediately I had to check out Professor Srikumar Rao's course on unconventional methods for achieving personal mastery when I saw that he offered it.

So I decided to give it a try so that others who are considering taking the plunge can learn from my experience.

You will find out what I like about Personal Mastery, what its weaknesses are, and whether it is worth enrolling.

Srikumar S. Rao is a business school professor, speaker, and author.

The world's most popular MBA professor is Srikumar Rao.

Some of the courses he has taught have been among the highest-rated at some of the world's top business schools, including London Business School and Columbia University.

The Quest for Personal Mastery by Srikumar Rao review: Is it worth it?

This course now includes his exclusive teachings.

He teaches what?

His classes are primarily about achieving your goals, using mindfulness to live a happier life, and becoming more resilient.

Check out Rao's TED talk below for a glimpse into his teaching style.

As well as a sneak peek at the course materials in the Quest For Personal Mastery, it will give you an idea of what you can expect.

Its goal is to help you become aware of who you are, how you live, and where you're going.

The lessons are designed to be completed within 45 days. Every day, you will watch between ten and twenty minutes of video.

These were once taught only by Columbia Business School, London Business School, and UC Berkeley MBA students.

There might be a little bit of exaggeration on the sales page for Personal Mastery.

Ultimately, it promises you both "extreme" happiness and "incredible" abundance.

My skepticism was no different from yours.

After hearing Srikumar Rao, all of that was gone.

A down-to-earth person, he is. He has a message for everyone, no matter where they are in life or who they are.

Comparing that to the sales page might surprise you.

Don't be worried if you aren't thrilled with the sales page. We do our marketing that way.

It's important to remember that you're studying Srikumar Rao's teachings.

You'll see the same structure in MindValley courses if you've ever taken them.

You are given a short video to watch each day, along with an exercise to complete.

45 days are required for the course.

There are about five to twenty videos in each series, so they are easy to fit into your daily routine.

Mindvalley courses are usually the best because you not only learn intellectually but also practically, which is the most efficient way to transform your life.

You can also join a Facebook group where other people are participating in the quest. The lessons and trouble spots have been discussed by many people.

This group can provide some helpful insights.

First, I will go over exactly what is in the Personal Mastery course before I discuss the positives and negatives of it. The modules are as follows:

1. Mental Models and How You Become What You Are

This first module is designed to help you uncover the toxic beliefs that are hindering your happiness.

In the end, I discovered that much of my emotional baggage was unnecessary once I understood how my beliefs had shaped me.

My favorite aspect of this module was that it emphasized the importance of accepting reality as it is.

Positive thinking is taught to many of us as the best way to become happy.

It's not productive or sane to escape reality with forced positive thinking, says Rao.

To create a life you love, it's far more productive to accept the darker side of life, rather than avoiding it.

As a result of what you learn in this module, a great deal of your work from here depends on what you learn.

Our first module talked about transcending limiting beliefs. This module is about transcending those beliefs.

In this module, you'll learn some excellent mindfulness techniques.

The practice of gratitude is one of the mindfulness techniques. In module 1, you discovered that toxic beliefs can be washed away by genuine appreciation for life as a whole.

A goal-setting module is also discussed in this module.

This module contains some golden nuggets for those lacking purpose and direction.

There is no doubt that this is the most practical module.

With its mindfulness techniques, you can bounce back from setbacks, inspire others around you, and accept uncertainty (and even embrace it).

Keeping an open mind while facing suffering and setbacks will give you a deeper understanding of the power of suffering and setbacks.

I find Rao's approach to mindfulness inspiring and powerful in its focus on boosting resilience and fearlessness.

I learned techniques that I could use in everyday life, so I got a lot of courage out of it.

Here are Takeaways from Personal Mastery

The one phrase that keeps popping into my head from Rao is, "Good thing, bad thing, who knows?"

My life has been profoundly impacted by this saying.

As opposed to judging things as "good" or "bad," Rao says we should not judge them. We should accept them and practice forgiveness.

We can stay in check with our emotions and reactions by embracing this idea, and we can also step back and question our beliefs.

Rao teaches that while setting our goals and intentions is important, we shouldn't put our happiness at stake.

Rao suggests embracing our actions and the journey itself is more fruitful. We spend the majority of our lives there, after all.

If we take pride in how we live every day and embrace our journey, we will be fulfilled no matter what we do.

Only being content when you achieve a specific goal will lead to unhappiness for most of your life.

In the western world, we are not taught this. All of it is about desiring something you don't have, not about appreciating what you do have and enjoying the present moment.

Creating affirmations out of desperation and need will cause more harm than good, according to him.

You wouldn't believe that you can make 20,000 dollars in 6 months from your online business if you told yourself that. You'd come from a place of desperation rather than faith.

When you don't reach your destination, you'll only feel more stressed and more like a failure.

Instead, Srikumar Rao says to create " action affirmations. " By creating affirmations focused on your actions, you make more progress and you are living in the present.

As an example, instead of saying, "I'll make 20,000 dollars from my online business in six months," I could say, "I'll post two blog posts every day to increase traffic to my site."

It is more helpful this way. Law of Attraction practitioners as well as positivity activists recommend making "I am" statements, like "I am rich" or "I am happy." But if you don't believe it, it's worthless. When you realize that you're not happy, you just get upset.

The Positives Of Personal Mastery

Here are some positives of personal mastery:

1. The Lessons In This Book Will Change How You Think About A Lot Of Things

When Rao asks you questions about mental models, she will get you thinking about why you label things right or wrong, or good or bad, and why you should focus more on the present moment than on what you want to achieve.

2. He Communicates Profound Ideas That Change Lives

Self-development courses can be confusing because many self-proclaimed "gurus" use jargon that makes it hard to understand their message.

Personal Mastery is different. Rama Rao is a brilliant communicator who can make complex ideas easy to understand.

His ability to communicate in an easy-to-understand way is evident in every lesson he gives. With every video, you'll say "Ah, of course, that makes sense.".

The Quest For Personal Mastery Review 2021 – By Srikumar Rao (Is It Worth It ?)

3. This Quest Is Something You Can Do With Other People.

Unlike other self-study courses, this one isn't for beginners. Rather, it combines the two.

You can do it alone, or you can join thousands of other people on this 45-day quest.

This was an interesting podcast because you talked about overcoming challenges with others and encouraged each other to go beyond your limits.

4. Ask Srikumar Rao A Question

Yes, you read that correctly.

For the quest, you'll be able to watch 6 pre-recorded Q&A sessions in which he answers questions submitted by the class.

Here are some cons of personal mastery:

There aren't many videos you can access every day. Occasionally, I would have liked him to expand on certain topics in order to better understand them.

For it to be as effective as possible, you need to commit time. The exercise he requests must be completed for at least 30-60 minutes a day.

There will be days when you don't exercise much. The rest of the lessons will be about analyzing your work in the first few lessons, but you still need to commit to them.

If you don't have an open mind and aren't willing to change, this course may not be right for you.

People who believe that the world always works "this way" may not buy into what he says if they are closed in how they think.

It is all about making positive changes in your life with The Quest For Personal Mastery. To do so, you must be willing to act and think differently.

You may be shocked by some of what he teaches.

You might not get much out of this course if you are not willing to challenge your beliefs and how you view the world.

Again, your reaction will depend on your level of openness.

You will, after all, be challenged by Srikumar Rao's views.

It may surprise you, or it may enlighten you greatly.

If you don't want to change your life and are content with what you have right now, then this course may not be for you.

Many people probably think that by the end of the course, their life will be completely transformed. It won't be.

There is no way your life will change in 45 days. Before you see permanent results, you must implement the lessons and change your attitude over time.

Practicing what he is teaching for months and years before your life changes can give you a good foundation and make you feel empowered.

This course is not for everyone, to be honest.

It might not be beneficial to you if you don't open your mind to what he is teaching.

However, if you lack purpose and feel apathetic towards life, I believe this course will be able to help you focus on the process of achieving your goals.

You'll also find some golden nuggets of wisdom if you're disillusioned and unhappy with how your life is going.

You can gain the following benefits from taking Personal Mastery:

  • Know who you are and what you want out of life.
  • Recognize your limiting beliefs and challenge them.
  • Staying sane during times of hardship.
  • Forget about the past.
  • Stop judging other people and circumstances. Be compassionate and accepting instead.
  • Focus on the journey rather than living in the moment.
  • In order to achieve your goals, you must overcome obstacles
  • Get a better understanding of the other point of view by taking a step back.
  • Focus on what you have to do.
  • Be more mindful and stop overthinking.

You can accomplish a lot with the Quest For Personal Mastery, such as:

  • Improve your understanding of yourself.
  • Unstick yourself from beliefs and habits that are holding you back.
  • Keeping you sane when you're struggling.
  • Don't hold on to issues from the past.
  • Feel better about the role you play in life.
  • Feel more compassion and acceptance towards everything and stop judging it as right or wrong.
  • Challenge you and help you become more aware of your life and how you can make the most of it.
  • Identify the reasons for your identity.
  • Get over obstacles that stand between you and your goals.
  • Change your perception of someone you dislike currently.
  • Focus on the task at hand.
  • Get a handle on your mind chatter and stop getting carried away with it in a negative way.
  • Take a moment to be mindful.

You can accomplish so much more with this quest. Ultimately, you will have a much easier time in life, be happier with the way you live and what is happening in your life, and be able to make the most of every moment.

Who Will Benefit From This Quest?

The quest will be beneficial to anyone who wants to experience any of the above things.

I hope this quest has a positive impact on you if you are open to new ideas, and if you are willing to try out the exercises he gives you daily.

If you want to benefit from this quest, you should also consider how each lesson applies to your life in general.

On the Facebook page, there was a woman who was upset with Srikumar Rao because he talked about work on Days 11 and 12.

She was ready to quit. When asked if she would continue if the rest of the course was intended for working people, she responded that she would not.

The Quest For Personal Mastery Review 2021 – By Srikumar Rao (Is It Worth It ?)

This was not the whole picture. It was all about taking something bad and turning it into something better, as well as how your actions impact other people.

The lessons Srikumar Rao taught are easily applicable to other aspects of your life as well.

Someone who is unwilling to change their minds won't gain anything from this quest.

The fact that what you believe works may not actually be the way the world works might not make sense to you if you strongly believe it is the way it works.

People who are set in their ways so much that you get offended when they disagree with your beliefs and try to engage you in deep thinking may not be good candidates for this quest.

It would help you immensely if you were willing to take in the ideas and think about them, but if you aren't, it will just drive you crazy.

You might find it hard to listen to some of the ideas if you really believe that unhappiness is your birthright.

The Quest For Personal Mastery Can Help You Feel Better And Create A Better Life

You can feel better about life and create a better life through this quest, I truly believe. In fact, as I mentioned, I will be concentrating on one technique a month for a year to make it a lifestyle.

Every quest on Mindvalley begins on a certain date.

It would be nice if it opened up right away, but it doesn't.

The Quest For Personal Mastery Review 2021 – By Srikumar Rao (Is It Worth It ?)

According to them, they do this so students can start at the same time and interact with the tribe more effectively - just like in an offline class where everyone starts at the same time and moves at the same rate.

Taking part now won't allow you to begin until the start date. Each session will be closed to you and only you will be able to attend them.

I didn't cover everything about The Quest For Personal Mastery in this review.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section below. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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Conclusion: The Quest For Personal Mastery Review 2021

As a result of taking this course, I was able to focus on my process and actions in my daily life, which helped me become more productive.

I've also learned to appreciate and accept what I have in life. A lot of what he taught me is still in practice, so I consider that a success.

Then I suggest you take this course if you wish to think in a different way and bring positive change to your life.

It might not be for you if you don't want to commit.

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