Batman Incorporated #8
By: Grant Morrison, Chris Burnham
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.99
The Lowdown: Issue 12 is almost here and Grant Morrison’s Batman opus will come to a close. With this issue Batman Inc comes to a turning point, just look out for New York Post which spoils this issue.
Avengers Arena #5
By: Dennis Hopeless, Kev Walker, Dave Johnson
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99
The Lowdown: I wasn’t sure what to think of this series. Getting a bunch of young Marvel heroes, many of which I think were created for this series specifically, to compete to the death can be tricky. So far so good though. Definitely check it (and its movie poster homage covers) out.
Punisher War Zone #5 (of 5)
By: Greg Rucka, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $2.99
The Lowdown: Greg Rucka’s run on Punisher has been so awesome, yet Marvel had to cancel. At least they gave him 5 more issues to tie up some loose ends. Those five issues, also know s War Zone, end here. Avengers vs Punisher: FINAL ROUND