Buzz-worthy books of the week
Deadpool: Mercs for Money #5It is the final issue of this mini, where Wade and his buddies can't decided whether to sell or keep safe a robot from the future babbling predictions. If you enjoyed this book (I thought it was pretty fun), you are in luck. It is going to series.
Flash: Rebirth #1Flash was the center of the Flashpoint Paradox. He was the center of Rebirth. How could I not be looking forward to this book. I am hoping that the combining of elements, the good of new 52 and the stuff that got left behind, will pay off for DC.
Sheriff of Babylon #7I just cannot get enough of this series. Nassir, the last Baghdad cop working with Chris, the US company man retraining a new team cops, has been taken by the bad guys.
Wacky Raceland #1DC's gritty remakes of Hanna-Barbera cartoons continue with a Mad Max take on Wacky Races, which I didn't even know was coming. Future Quest was cool, but Scooby Doo was a bust. Here's hoping this one can be one of the good ones.
Wonder Woman Rebirth #1Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman. Nuff Said.