Angel and Faith: Season Ten #1
Of all the post-cancellation, Buffy-verse sequels, the first season (I guess Season 9, not sure how they are counting the Angel ones) was definitely my favorite. The art was great. The adventure was fun. The character development and chemistry of Angel and Faith was perfect. That’s why it is kind of sad that it has a new artist and the character of Angel and Faith are being split up. Angel will be looking for the new hub of magic in London, and Faith will be slaying zompires with Buffy. Let’s hope the adventure is good.

Aquaman and the Others #1
Aquaman continues to win big during the New 52. He gets a spinoff secondary title that revolves around his adventure with The Others, his team before the Justice League. It is also a Future’s End prologue which is kind of irking me. Future’s End is going to be a big time-spanning event for DC comics, which will be a weekly series. Ugh! Weeklies hurt my wallet.

Caliban #1
Garth Ennis, who is usually known for his overly violent crime sagas, is going to space with sci-fi/horror in the same vein as Alien.

Dead Letters #1
Dead Letters sort of reminds me of Memento. It is about an amnesiac hero who wakes up in a motel room with goons already on his tale. Despite sounding like a straight up crime caper, supernatural elements are referred to in the solicit.

Green Arrow #30
God damn! This book gets better and better with every issue. The Outsider War is on like donkey kong, and after how last issue ended, I can’t wit to see what happens to Ollie. Knowing Lemire, I’m guessing something trippy. Thankfully, the cavalry is on its way to help him: Magus, Butcher, Kodiak, and the unfortunately cancelled Katana, who was supposed to feature the Outsider War as well.

Inhuman #1
Inhuman was supposed to come awhile back, closer to the issue where Black Bolt crashes Attilan sending a cloud of terrigen mist through New York and a little further causing those who share bloodlines with the inhumans to mutate. It is a whole new status quo.

Moon Knight #2
I just want to give this a second shout out. The first issue was great. Moon Knight, which is a character with a history of dissociative identity disorder, finds out his identity issues are a mixture of self-fulling prophecy and a possible brain tumor.

Self Obsessed
This is exactly the kind of book that I feel I don’t give enough attention to. I want to give them more attention, but I feel like they get left out of the solicitations. I don’t even hear about them until the end of the year when a bunch of other people better connected than I make their best of lists. Anyways, this is an anthology of autobiographical comic strips from Sina Grace, an interesting voice in graphic novels who uses the unique medium to tell stories that are neither horror, sci-fi, or fantasy.

Shotgun Wedding #1
This story sounds a bit “been there done that.” It is about a man who just wants to settle down with the simple woman he fell for. The only problem is he is a contract killer, and a bunch of his “co-workers” are trying to cap his ass. If all goes to plan, each issue of this four issue miniseries should be released each week in April with four covers that connect to make a bigger image. That’s pretty cool.