Politics Magazine

The Public's Rating Of Recent Presidents

Posted on the 16 November 2013 by Jobsanger
The Public's Rating Of Recent Presidents It's been 50 years since President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas -- and he remains one of the most popular presidents (that have served since 1952). The Gallup Poll surveyed 1,039 nationwide adults between November 7th and 10th (and the survey had a 4 point margin of error). That poll showed the American public still holds President Kennedy in high esteem -- with 74% giving him an excellent or above-average rating as a president. There were only three other presidents scoring more than 30% as being above-average -- Reagan with 61%, Clinton with 55%, and Eisenhower with 49%. President Obama was in fifth place with 28%.
I don't have much argument with the ratings of these presidents -- except for President Johnson (20%). Johnson not only presided over a thriving economy, but probably had more major achievements during his administration than any other president on the list -- establishment of Medicare, War on Poverty, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and the Fair Housing law, just to name a few. His big mistake was the Vietnam War, and its just sad that it has overshadowed the good things he accomplished while president.
Gallup also included information about each president's average approval rating while in office. I think this is probably a bit more honest assessment of these presidents, since it removes myth from the equation and we see what the public thought of them while they were serving. Kennedy also finishes first in public approval while serving (70%). President Johnson moves well up the list, tied with President Clinton for fourth at 55%. President Reagan drops to sixth at 53%. President Eisenhower moves up to second with 65%, and President Bush (the first) is in third with 61% (basking in his Gulf War victory).
The Public's Rating Of Recent Presidents

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