Food & Drink Magazine

The Protein Works Salted Caramel Protein Cookies

By Kev A @kevvieguy
The Protein Works Salted Caramel Protein Cookies

A huge thankyou to The Protein Works, who recently sent me some of their Protein Cookies to review! Protein Cookies are a new one on me, something I've never tried before so I was very intrigued. You can find these from, and they come in a wide variety of flavours. There's also Protein Brownies and all manner of protein based truffles to enjoy if you're of the #fitfam way of life!

The Protein Works Salted Caramel Protein Cookies

The protein comes from a whey powder, milk protein and collagen blend which forms the bulk of the cookie. There's also oat flour, corn fibre and the sweetener sucralose mixed in.

Opening the wrapper, the cookie had a rather interesting looking appearance with a golden brown colour.

The Protein Works Salted Caramel Protein Cookies

I split it open, which was easy enough. There's cubes of fudge pieces embedded within the cookie.

The Protein Works Salted Caramel Protein Cookies

The smell was very different to a regular cookie, it has that "whey" powder aroma that I'm sure many are familiar with. It's not unpleasant at all but it's distinctive.

The taste is pretty darn good, with a strong salted caramel edge throughout. The cookie is chewy, dense and rather filling, no doubt due to the protein content. It's not the sort of thing you would get the urge to eat too many of, like regular cookies, but it certainly makes a very filling and indulgent snack.

Overall, I have to say these Protein Works Cookies are pretty good! There's 18g of Protein per cookie, making them an ideal post-workout snack when you need that protein hit, but they'd be great for any time of day really. Salted Caramel fans will love these.

For more info and to buy see:

8 out of 10.

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