Society Magazine

The President's Focus

Posted on the 19 July 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Russian separatists shoot down a civilian airliner resulting in the murder of nearly 300 innocents.  Conflicts in the Middle East are on the rise, from the Gaza strip to Syria to Iraq.  Our borders are porous and are encouraging an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Iran misses a negotiations deadline purposed in curtailing its nuclear ambitions.  A United States Marine languishes in a Mexican prison, held against his will for making an obvious mistake.  Muslim radical power is expanding in Africa and civilians are paying the price.

Lots going on in the world crying out for American leadership and resolve.

The President steps in and takes charge:

President Barack Obama plans to sign two executive orders Monday prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender workers in the federal government and its contracting agencies, without a new exemption that was requested by some religious organizations.

Obama’s action comes on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in the Hobby Lobby case Obamathat allowed some religiously oriented businesses to opt out of the federal health care law’s requirement that contraception coverage be provided to workers at no extra charge. Senior administration officials said Friday that ruling has no impact on nondiscrimination policies in federal hiring and contracting.


While few religious organizations are among the biggest federal contractors, they do provide some valued services, including overseas relief and development programs and re-entry programs for inmates leaving federal prisons.

Clearly, there's no greater crisis needing the attention of this President than the crisis being faced by that vast number of LGBT indioviduals who are being threatened by the discriminatory policies being foisted upon them by federal contracting hiring managers.

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