Jim Porter, who was named NRA president in March, is ready to wage war in court over gun rights and hopes to fight new rules after Sandy Hook massacre.
" />Jim Porter, who was named NRA president in March, is ready to wage war in court over gun rights and hopes to fight new rules after Sandy Hook massacre.
" itemprop="associatedMedia" height="355" width="580" alt="Jim Porter, who was named NRA President on March 2, 2013, spoke at The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Annual Meeting hosted by the Wallkill Rod and Gun Club on June 9, 2012 when he was the NRA Vice-President." />Jim Porter, who was named NRA president in March, is ready to wage war in court over gun rights and hopes to fight new rules after Sandy Hook massacre.
The Daily News
The new president of the NRA is a good ol’ Southern boy, who sounds even crazier than the group’s gun-nut mouthpiece Wayne LaPierre.
Alabama lawyer Jim Porter has called U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder “rabidly un-American” and proudly spews the Confederate line on the Civil War.
In a June speech, Porter noted the NRA was “started by some Yankee generals who didn’t like the way my Southern boys had the ability to shoot in what we call the ‘War of Northern Aggression.’ ”
“Now y’all might call it the Civil War, but we call it the ‘War of Northern Aggression’ down South,” Porter said to the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.
Does anyone find it a bit hypocritical that so many of these men talk about needing guns for personal safety, yet by their eating habits and lifestyle they risk heart disease and diabetes? Isn't that a gross mix-up of priorities? Shouldn't they be more concerned with cutting back on those whopping portions at mealtimes than they are of multiple home invaders kicking in the door at night?
Another question is this: does being in such poor physical condition render one less capable in gun handling? If someone can't easily bend over and pick something up off the floor, or quickly turn around to see what's approaching from the rear, or even run a short distance, doesn't that impact on their ability to successfully deal with a dangerous situation?
One other observation about the portly Mr. Porter is this: isn't persisting in Confederacy-pride talk foolish at best and treasonous at worst?
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