Expat Magazine

The Pothead Pass Poll

By Clogsandtulips @clogsandtulips
The Pothead Pass PollEarlier this year, the goverment proposed to initiate a membership pass for coffeeshops (no, you don't go to coffeeshops to buy coffee in the Netherlands) in order to cut down the number of tourists coming into the Netherlands to abuse the country's lenient soft-drug policy.
Each year, millions of people come to the Netherlands to visit it's licensed coffeeshops. Their choice is vast as there are almost 700 such shops.
The idea is to create a membership pass to be used to get into coffeeshops and purchase weed. No pass, no grass.
Last month's Clogs and Tulips poll asked readers if they thought membership passes should be necessary in order to patronise coffeeshops in the Netherlands.
Yes - 0%
No - 83%
I don't think it will make a difference - 0%
Undecided - 16%
Clogs and Tulips polls are held once a month and can be found in the right-hand sidebar underneath "Recent Comments" and above "Blog Series."
Do you think this policy should be put into place? Do you think it will help? What is your opinion of the soft-drug laws in the Netherlands?

Photo: ukhomeoffice, Flickr


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