Travel Magazine

'The Place' Shopping Mall, Beijing

By Quickroute @quickroute
More video from my brief travels in China. This one is from Beijing in 2009. This shopping street is good for people watching and a pre-dinner drink (plenty of western style restaurants  too - but why would you want western food - when in the East).  It's actually more modern and happening than most 'Western' commercial centers, yet wander a few blocks and peasant 80+ old folks are risking life and limb, weaving thru smoggy rush hour traffic on bicycles collecting recyclable materials. China continues to be full of surprises.
You can text a message to the gigantic screen to the amusement / dismay of all
'The Place' Shopping Mall, Beijing
'The Place' Shopping Mall, Beijing

Followed by dinner including insects, frog and 'lamb'!
'The Place' Shopping Mall, Beijing
'The Place' Shopping Mall, Beijing
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