Lifestyle Magazine

The Pink Lipstick You Need!

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Hello Freckles Pink Lipstick Charlotte Tilbury Valentine Pillow Talk Beauty Review SwatchesOkay so technically there's two...
I could hold my hands up and admit that I probably could get by without buying anymore pink lipsticks, but what would be the fun in that?! As the title of this post suggests, you need this pink lipstick (or two if you're like me and have zero self control - sorry bank balance) in your life as it's the perfect shade. Yes. I said it. The p word. But I mean it. 
The Pink Lipstick You Need!
Hello Freckles Charlotte Tilbury Pink Lipstick Pillow Talk Swatch Makeup Review BeautyPillow Talk Lip Cheat is a HG product for ladies and muas around the world, so when it finally was released in matte revolution lipstick form I was excited. Though I'm no stranger to using a lip liner as a lipstick, it's not the same formula that you get with a lipstick. The Matte Revolution formula by Charlotte Tilbury is, as you'd expect, matte, but the lipsticks glide on with a creamy workable texture, easily applied with the more square tipped shape, and don't look drying on me. And I have, ahem, quite the collection now. Pillow Talk is more of a nude pink than the next shade I want to talk about.
Hello Freckles Charlotte Tilbury Pink Lipstick Valentine Swatch Makeup Review Beauty
So, matte lipsticks aren't your bag. Well hold up, because I have another pink lipstick I want to share with you. This one from the K.I.S.S.I.N.G Fallen From The Lipstick Tree range, is Valentine. It's the perfect cutesy petal pink and has a lovely sheen to it. It's the more typical rounded shape you expect to see and the color is easily buildable. If you'd like a more subtle color mix it with your lip balm but it's totally versatile and suits every skin tone, which is pretty unique!

You could wear both together! Now before you pass that off as a silly suggestion, try using pillow talk as a base with a little bit of a sheen from Valentine applied in the middle of the lips; giving you the ultimate pink pout.

So there you go. The pink lipstick(s) you need. Are you sold?

If not, perhaps my little Instagram giveaway may sway you. Pop on over there to find out more...

Let me know your favorite Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks!
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