
The Pi Network Roadmap

Posted on the 25 January 2022 by Mark Angelo @yourpieceofpi_
Table of contents

I. Roadmap update - December 29,2021

Phase 1: Beta

Phase 2: Test Net

Phase 3: Mainnet

The Enclosed Mainnet Period

Advantages of the Two-Period Approach

KYC Verification and Mainnet Balance Transfer

Restrictions in the Enclosed Network

The Open Network Period

II. Original Roadmap - March 14, 2019

Below is the new draft of the Roadmap chapter of our whitepaper. It reviews the first two phases of the network (Beta and Testnet), and introduces the Mainnet phase in more detail. Your feedback is welcome before we update the official whitepaper on our website when Open Network begins. Keep in mind that we are also working on new drafts of our whitepaper chapters and will release them soon, which will potentially further clarify questions you may have now.  I. Roadmap update - December 29, 2021
Pi Network is unique in our technological and ecosystem design as well as the significance of our community input in development. This uniqueness is best served by a thoughtful and iterative approach that allows for community feedback, testing of products, features, and user experience, and phases defined by milestones. There are three main phases to our development: (1) Beta, (2) Testnet, and (3) Mainnet
Phase 1: Beta 
In December 2018, we publicly launched our mobile app on the iOS App store as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of the Pi Network. At this stage, our app allowed Pioneers to mine Pi by contributing to the growth and security of the future Pi blockchain. 
As the eventual goal was to launch the Mainnet and build an ecosystem around the Pi platform, the Pi app running on the centralized Pi server enabled mobile phone users (Pioneers) to contribute their security circles that, in aggregate, built the trust graph required by the consensus algorithm of the Pi Blockchain, and in return, the Pioneers received mining rewards. 
Furthermore, the centralized phase allowed the network to grow, the community to form, and the Pi token to be accessible and widely distributed. This phase also allowed for the iteration of many technical features and Pioneer experience by leveraging community input throughout the development process.
The following major accomplishments were made during theBeta phase:
  • The Pi Network mobile app was listed and accessible through the iOS App Store and Google Playstore.
  • Pi Network grew from 0 to over 3.5 million engaged Pioneers. 
  • The Pi Network community actively engaged with the project through the app home screen interactions and chat app.
  • Pi Network reached 233 countries and regions around the world.

Phase 2: Testnet
This phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from all over the world
Pi Network’s Node software enabled individual computers to support running the Pi Testnet using Test-Pi coin. Test-Pi was available only for the purpose of testing and has no relation to Pioneers’ account balances on the Pi app. 
The Pi Testnet has reached over 10,000 fully functional community Nodes and over 100,000 daily active Nodes on the waiting list, and as explained in a later section, will continue to exist for testing purposes in the Mainnet phase.
Pi Testnet allows for the testing of connectivity, performance, security, and scalability of the blockchain, and allows Pi apps developers to develop the Pi apps before they can deploy their app on the Mainnet. 
During the Testnet phase, 3 major strategies were adopted: (1) decentralization through Testnet Nodes, (2) growth through the main Pi app for mobile mining, and (3) utility creation through the Pi apps platform on the Pi Browser. 
The Testnet ran in parallel with the Pi mobile mining app from Phase 1 and enabled decentralized community Nodes to get online and ready for the Mainnet. Specifically, the Testnet Nodes helped with the assessment of the blockchain’s performance, security, and scalability. 
It also helped Pi App developers test their apps against the Pi Blockchain. At the same time, the Pi mobile mining app continued to onboard millions of Pioneers, building the community and contributing to the security of the blockchain. 
The Pi Browser, along with the Pi SDK, enabled the community to create utilities and develop the Pi ecosystem.
The following major accomplishments were made during the Testnet phase:
  • Many versions of the Node software were released.
  • The Pi Platform was released along with key ingredients of our ecosystem infrastructure: Wallet, Browser, Brainstorm and developer tools.
  • Pilot version of the KYC app was introduced on the Pi Browser.
  • The project ran its first ever worldwide online Hackathon with thousands of participants from within the Pioneer Community.
  • Pi Network grew to over 30 million engaged Pioneers, and from 0 to over 10,000 fully functional community Nodes and over 100,000 daily active Nodes on the waiting list.
  • Pi Network reached almost all countries and regions in the world.

Phase 3: Mainnet 
In December 2021, the Mainnet of the Pi blockchain will go live. The migration of Pioneer balances from their phone account to the Mainnet starts during this period. KYC authentication of a Pioneer precedes their balance migration to the Mainnet. 
In order to allow for sufficient time for millions of Pioneers to successfully complete their KYC verification, create utilities in the Pi ecosystem, and continue to iterate on our technology and ecosystem design, the Mainnet will have two periods:
  • at first, firewalled Mainnet (i.e., the Enclosed Network),
  • and then, open Mainnet (i.e., the Open Network).
The Enclosed Network Period This period will begin in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. 
Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain. 
Any balance migrated to the Mainnet can be used, by the choice of the Pioneer, to purchase goods and services in Pi apps, transfer to other Pioneers, or get locked up for a duration of time for a higher mining rate.
KYC’ed Pioneers will be able to use their Pi on the Mainnet freely in an enclosed environment within Pi Network. However, this period will not allow connectivity between the Pi blockchain and other blockchains.
Advantages of the Two-Period Approach to Mainnet There are multiple advantages to having an intermediate enclosed period to ramp up to the fully open Mainnet. This approach allows time for:
  • millions of Pioneers worldwide to pass KYC,
  • building and deploying more Pi Apps and allowing more utilities to be created and used,
  • transitioning Pi Apps deployed on the Testnet to the Mainnet, and
  • iterating on any modifications and adjustments to the Mainnet and the ecosystem before the Open Network.

The Enclosed Network period allows time for millions of Pioneers to KYC and migrate their Pi to the Mainnet. Only a small fraction of Pioneers have been able to complete their KYC around the launch of the Mainnet. Over the coming months, we will continue to roll out the KYC solution to more Pioneers and help them complete their KYC.
If we moved directly from Testnet to Open Network, this would mean that the Pioneers who were able to KYC before others would have Pi available for use outside of the Pi platform while the Pioneers still waiting to complete their KYC would not yet have this privilege. 
The speed at which Pioneers all over the world are able to complete their KYC will depend on the speed at which each local community provides the KYC validator crowd work force as well as the speed at which individual Pioneers participate in the KYC.
Having the Enclosed Network period gives time for millions of Pioneers to complete their KYC and transfer their Pi to the Mainnet. This way, all the Pioneers who are willing and able to complete their KYC in a reasonable period of time get to use their Pi outside of the Pi platform at once.
Given that external connectivity between the Pi Blockchain and other blockchains or systems is not allowed during the Enclosed Network period, this further helps Pioneers focus on transitioning into Mainnet without any influences external to the Pi Blockchain.
This period will also help the community focus on creating utilities and bootstrapping the ecosystem without any external distractions. Consistent with the vision of the Pi network to enable a utility-based ecosystem, this allows apps to deploy on Mainnet and create utilities for Pioneers. 
Pi apps will be able to switch from Testnet to Mainnet—to production mode for real Pi transactions. At this time, KYC’ed Pioneers will be able to spend their Pi on Pi apps, boosting utilities creation and bootstrapping the Pi ecosystem before the Open Network. 
This gradual and deliberate ramp to Open Network will help the apps, as well as the Pi Network, to uncover and resolve any glitches in the market and the technology. Thus, the Enclosed Network period is in line with Pi’s vision of a utility-based ecosystem and its iterative philosophy.
Moreover, the Enclosed Network will allow the Mainnet to run with production data and real Pi, which differs from Testnet. Data gathered during the Enclosed Network will help calibrate and tweak any configurations and formulae, if necessary, to ensure a stable and successful Open Network.
KYC Verification and Mainnet Balance Transfer


II. Original Roadmap - March 14, 2019 Original Roadmap, Drafted in March 14, 2019
Phase 1 - Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap. 

The Pi server is operating as a faucet emulating the behavior of the decentralized system as it will function once its live. During this phase improvements in the user experience and behavior are possible and relatively easy to make compared to the stable phase of the main net. 

All minting of coins to users will be migrated to the live net once it launches. In other words, the livenet will pre-mint  in its genesis block all account holder balances generated during Phase 1, and continue operating just like the current system but fully decentralized. 

Pi is not listed on exchanges during this phase and it is impossible to “buy” Pi with any other currency. 

Phase 2 - Testnet 

Before we launch the main net, the Node software will be deployed on a test net. The test net will use the same exact trust graph as the main net but on a testing Pi coin. Pi core team will host several nodes on the test net, but will encourage more Pioneers to start their own nodes on the testnet. 

In fact, in order for any node to join the main net, they are advised to begin on the testnet. The test net will be run in parallel to the Pi emulator in phase one, and periodically, e.g. daily, the results from both systems will be compared to catch the gaps and misses of the test net, which will allow Pi developers to propose and implement fixes.  

After a thorough concurrent run of both systems, testnet will reach a state where its results consistently match the emulator’s. At that time when the community feels its ready, Pi will migrate to the next phase. 

Phase 3 - Mainnet 

When the community feels the software is ready for production, and it has been thoroughly tested on the testnet, the official mainnet of the Pi network will be launched.

An important detail is that, in the transition into the mainnet, only accounts validated to belong to distinct real individuals will be honored. After this point, the faucet and Pi network emulator of Phase 1 will be shut down and the system will continue on its own forever. 

Future updates to the protocol will be contributed by the Pi developer community and Pi’s core team, and will be proposed by the committee. Their implementation and deployment will depend on nodes updating the mining software just like any other blockchains. 

No central authority will be controlling the currency and it will be fully decentralized. Balances of fake users or duplicate users will be discarded. This is the phase when Pi can be connected to exchanges and be exchanged for other currencies. 

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