Entertainment Magazine

The Other Side of the Wind

Posted on the 12 May 2015 by Christopher Saunders
Other Side WindMy Citizen Kane piece for Sound on Sight's doing well; I've received several friendly comments, re-posts by the fine folks at Wellesnet and The Projection Booth, research assistance from Joseph McBride, and more Facebook likes/shares than I'd have thought possible. This might be the most-read article I've ever done.
If any of my benefactors are reading, I sincerely appreciate your generosity. And as always, thanks to my readers for your support.
Besides Groggy's self-promotion, there's a major project going on to support Orson Welles' unfinished last movie, The Other Side of the Wind. Welles spent most of the last '70s trying to film this project, it an autobiographical tale of an aging director (played by John Huston) struggling to produce his own work in the face of ridicule and disinterest. Peter Bogdanovich, who acted in the film, writes about it here. Josh Karp recently a published a full-length book on the subject, which I plan to buy next time I hit the Barnes and Noble.
Legal issues prevented its publication for decades, but now most of them seem to have been overcome. All it needs is funding.
Fear not, cineastes! You too can play an active role in bringing Welles' final film to the screen. Indiegogo's hosting a crowd sourcing campaign and I encourage you to donate to it here

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