Business Magazine

The OTHER Chris Brown

Posted on the 01 November 2016 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

With a name like Chris Brown, I have my marketing work cut out for me.

Do you have any challenges getting your name found on the internet?

I know I do. Today, I'm working on updating my blog and scripting the video for one of my workshops. In the midst of doing this, I needed to Google my name in conjunction with a project I did a long time ago.

During the moment I was working on this, I had {momentarily} forgotten about that "other Ch__ Br__" that the media loves to cover.

He was there. In fact, he was everywhere.

Today the first page of Google results covers everything from his Halloween costume to his last song release. Not what I was hoping for to say the least.

A big sigh from this marketing professional named Chris Brown. :-O

I know that there are thousands of us out there. One plays football. Another sells houses in the town where I live. Even my first job out of college, one worked in the shipping department and was paged at least 3 times a day.

When the internet really took off in the early 2000's I was fortunate to have started this blog and become tech savvy. Otherwise, I'd really be tough to be found in the sea of "Chris Brown's.

I can never let my SEO start slipping. Otherwise a potential contact, client, supplier or anyone looking for me by searching the cyberspace comes up with "him" and not me.

Using the phrases Chris Brown Marketing or Marketing Chris Brown does seem to help. Thank goodness that Chris Brown Marketing Consultant works, even though the results are full of competitor ads.

Don't think I really want to start going by Christine Brown at this stage of my career... or reverting to my maiden name. But it can be discouraging to see how many results come to the wrong Chris Brown!!

What are your personal challenges for getting found on the internet? Are you keeping up with your SEO challenges? Leave a message below.

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