The number of registered .com domain names have passed 128 Million for the 1st time according to Verisign the registry for .com.

According to Verisign the number of .com domain names in the Domain Name Base as of today is 128,015,138
The Domain Name Base as defined by Verisign “is the active zone plus the number of domain names that are registered but not configured for use in the respective Top-Level Domain zone file plus the number of domain names that are in a client or server hold status”.
“The daily domain name base provided on this page may not be comparable to domain name counts we disclose elsewhere. The domain name base may also reflect compensated or uncompensated judicial or administrative actions to add to or remove from the active zone an immaterial number of domain names.”
The number of .Com domain names passed 127 Million back on May 13, 2016, so it took basically almost 4 months for the .Com Domain Name Base to gain the extra 1 million domain names.