Debate Magazine

The NRA on Dianne Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban

Posted on the 27 January 2013 by Mikeb302000
The NRA on Dianne Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban NRA-ILA
On Jan. 24, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduced S. 150, her long-anticipated bill to ban "assault weapons" and "large" magazines.  Contrary to media claims that Feinstein wants to "reinstate" the 1994 ban, the bill will go much further toward her stated long-term goal of gun confiscation, imposing a host of absurdly broad definitions and onerous restrictions:
Ban the sale, transfer, manufacture or importation of 157 named firearms. Presumably, these were chosen by looking at pictures, as Sen. Feinstein has said she did before introducing her first legislation on the issue in 1993.
You know how you can tell when the NRA is lying? Well, lips moving isn't really gonna work here, but you know what I mean. 
They use "gun confiscations" in the broadest possible sense to conjure up frightening images of jack-booted government officials going door-to-door.  Of course Sen. Feinstein never said any such thing.
Thinking people know this, but the NRA minions don't think.  They just repeat - and repeat.
The other lie is about choosing the weapons to be prohibited by "looking at pictures." The inference is that Diane Feinstein is a ditzy broad who knows nothing about guns and picked out the bad ones ONLY by their appearance.  This is another oft-repeated lie. Do they really think there were no advisors of any kind? Do they really think that as a gun owner herself, the Senator didn't know just a little bit about guns? 
Of course they know better, but like the wrong party in any argument, they need to resort to lies and tricky language to hold their own.
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