While pro-gun activists have given Obama some tongue-in-cheek gratitude for these increases, the NRA recently found something for which it feels the administration deserves legitimate credit. In a recent statement, the lobbying group thanked Obama for signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act, complete with “several NRA-backed provisions.”Among them, the press release revealed, are “expanding gun rights on stateside military bases; prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency … from banning traditional ammunition; and saving taxpayer dollars by allowing gun collectors to buy vintage military surplus pistols.” NRA Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Chris W. Cox expounded on one provision, made especially relevant after four Marines were killed in an attack on two military recruitment stations in Tennessee this past summer. “The brave men and women in our Armed Forces should not be left defenseless against terrorists on American soil,” he said. “Local commanders now have the authority to allow service men and women to be armed while on base. Members of the military should have the same ability to defend themselves as every other law-abiding citizen.”