Enter an exceedingly pleasant surprise, the album One More For The Road from The New Roses.In the middle of an elongated search through a mountain of stoner rock, doom, sludge, and death metal I had fallen into a state of musical disrepair.Don't get me wrong.If you've read any of my other reviews on The Ripple Effect you'll know I love me some stoner rock, doom, sludge, and death metal.What I am saying however is that after listening to nothing but the aforementioned genres for an extended period of time my mind forgets that hard rock can be fun.The New Roses reminded me of that simple truth.
Before we go any further allow me to make something abundantly clear.One More... is an album rooted in glam metal.It's glam-tastic!Exposure to these songs may cause involuntary application of make up and a radical change of hairstyles and fashion sense.I do not have any knowledge of The New Roses previous releases, but I have more than a sneaking suspicion about what I'll hear upon further investigation.And investigate I shall, but back to One More.

So that's it waveriders.If your hard rock/heavy metal listening life has grown a tad bit bludgeoning and monochromatic, why not add a heaping helping of good cheer with One More For The Road from The New Roses?Side effects include happiness, head nodding, fist pumping, toe tapping, and male pattern baldness.Okay, that last one is a lie.I just needed to make sure you were paying attention.Have fun my friends!