I also hate the fact that this is the last season of Mad Men. I'm sure the show's actors realize it's a career high for them, thanks to all the elements that make a show great: the direction, the period detail via set design and costumes, and of course the writing. Writer-Producer Matthew Weiner has created an ensemble of characters who faults and foibles ring true as the catapault through life in an era some of us remember all too nostalgically. Six years ago, as watched the first episode with my son, I remember him commenting, "Wow, the men were really cruel to the women who worked with them."
Yes, to a great extent, barbaric.
Truly, it set the tone of what was to come.
We love these characters,and we also hate them.
In other words, we feel for them.
It's why it's great television, and why it's sublime storytelling.