Self Expression Magazine

The New Klout – How Klout Has Become a Content Creation Platform

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Klout Has Become A Content Creation Platform & More

Have you visited Klout in the past few days? Did you see how Klout has become a content creation platform now? You may have noticed a big difference when you landed on Klout. It is no longer the same Klout you have known for the past few years. It’s no longer about just the score of your social media influence. Klout wants you to be known for what you love too!  

Klout has become

What Is So Different On Klout Today?

It’s their attitude. Klout has moved away from just keeping scores on your influence. Klout has become the following now:

  • A News Feed - Keep up to date! Based on your topics you will receive updates on them in a feed just like on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Klout newsfeed
  • Content Creation – You can now create content via Klout from the newsfeed based on your Klout topics. If your topics have not been updated, now is the time to do so!
  • Share Options – They are similar Hootsuite or Buffer. You can share other posts in the newsfeed and set the date and time. I love how Klout has become another place to share via timed posts.
  • Analyze Your Results – Once you create content and share you can analyze the results via Klout. Another great new feature!
  • Klout Measurements – The measurements are a little more detailed and you can see the percent change from day to day on the new Klout. These are key to obtaining the Klout Perks.
Klout measurements

Klout Perks Are Still There Too!

Don’t forget to check for your Klout perks. Klout has become a new place to go to for content, social measurement and they still offer perks. Perks are a great way to get FREE stuff online and try new products. Be sure to sign up for the emails on the perks so you can claim yours before they disappear. Many brands offer products, coupons and gift cards for you to try them out.

Why The New Klout Changes?

The CEO of Klout told WebProNews:   “The product we launched today is only the first step in Klout’s journey to help our users be better content creators.” So stay tuned as more changes are a coming to Klout in the future such as Klout helping users with original content creation. There will also be a new mobile app – you know I can’t wait to see and try that one out! Klout after all is about the impact you have on your audience and how that determines your social influence.

Klout has been around since 2008 ranking users on a score of 1-100 for their social network reach and social influence. Klout has claimed over 1 million perks by May 2013 that were given away by brand campaigns. Some users have not liked how Klout had changed their algorithm over the years and quit. Some have come back. Will you come back to Klout now if you had left?

What do you think of the new Klout and how Klout has become another place to share content?

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