Today, we are going to the drive-in movies on a date, without Asa — we usually take him with us and only stay for the first movie — and as I mentioned, we’re going to see E.T. and Back to the Future. So obviously, I have to wear this shirt, and I had to have my morning coffee out of this cup, which I painted for Mr. Owl, based on the image on my shirt. I’ve always wanted to do theme dressing, and this is probably the closest I’ve ever gotten. It’s nerdy, and I like it.

It’s rough, though, because Asa still sleeps in our room — we live in my parents’ basement, and we don’t have a room for him — so letting him fuss and be noisy in the wee hours of the morning is just hard. It’s come to the point where I know he’s just fussing because he’s used to me getting him up to eat, though. This morning he woke up at 4:30, cried for two seconds, took his pacifier when I gave it to him, threw a fit, stopped to see if we would come get him, and then proceeded to just be loud. Not cry, but use his voice at the top of his loud-ness meter… stopping every minute or so to see if anyone would come.

But this week, we’re just going to have at it. I am hoping that by comforting without picking him up, and making him wait until at least 5am to eat unless he actually begins to cry with distress/hunger instead of “I’m awake and bored and used to eating to go back to sleep” noises, I can get him to sleep longer. Plus, I have read and also been told that over-tired babies will wake up more often and not sleep as well at night, so I plan to work on his daily naptimes. My sister-in-law told me that with her son, who is a few months younger than Asa, once she got him to take good naps during the day, he started to sleep all night until 7am.

So, it’s time to structure his naptimes more! No more sleeping upstairs; I’ll put him to bed in his crib, and he’ll have to stay in naptime (with a toy if he wakes up and gets noisy) until a certain time twice a day. I’ve been pretty relaxed about routine with him, other than feeding times (even then, if he’s hungry before he’s supposed to eat, I feed him. But he usually only eats every four hours), so I’ll have to work on putting him down routinely, and making a bedtime routine.

This is what happens when you’re a stay-at-home mom who works from home, doesn’t have a car, and never does anything exciting. Seriously. The most exciting thing I’ve done all week is that I finally, finally changed my name on my driver’s license to my married name.
*ahem* It’s only been a year and eight months. We’ve only had one kid. I might be a slight procrastinator, haha! It actually took my license expiring for me to go in and change my name, and even then I didn’t renew my license for 4 months. I mean, I don’t have a car, so I wasn’t actually driving anywhere…

Cardigan and tee, Target | Jeans, motherhood maternity | JC Penney boots | gift handmade scarf
And yes, don’t judge, I am still wearing my maternity pants because they’re way more comfortable than non-pregnant jeans. I don’t actually need to wear maternity pants any more, but you guys… let me tell you why everyone should just always wear them:
1. The high-waisted belly band, which means there’s no muffin-top inducing waistline, and also no huge gap in the waist for people like me who have a 15 inch difference between their hips and waist.
2. Perfect amount of stretch and support
3. They never fall down, because of the belly band
4. You can bend over and never worry about flashing anyone some underwear (or other things…)
5. No buttons or zippers to look weird and lumpy under tee shirt hemlines
6. They’re not yoga pants.
So, you know. I love my maternity jeans and I will probably always wear them even when I’m not pregnant and have lost all of my baby weight (like right now.)
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Happy Friday!

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