Lifestyle Magazine

The Nature’s Co.: Women’s Day Offer - FLAT 50% off

By Pallavi @missu_pal
                                             Super Sale for the Super Woman Women everywhere are an inspiration. On this International Women's Day (8th March 2016), The Nature’s Co. (TNC) salutes this spirit of all women across the globe, by offering a special “FLAT 50% off” on the entire range.This special time is not only the celebration of respect, appreciation and support towards women but also their achievements in our society. TNC too being a majority Women’s Team, headed by a “Womenprenuer”, looks up to all you ladies of substance out there. This vigour is doubled asTNC’s Founder and beauty expert, Natasha Shah, gets felicitated as one of the 100 Most Influential Retail Professionals of India 2016. Truly a Super Sale for all the Super Women! More women-power to you!The Nature’s Co.: Women’s Day Offer - FLAT 50% offSurprise Alert  !Check out what more has been added toThe Nature's Co. "Office Beauty Stash" BeautyWish Box A must have to be stocked in your office desks and purses by The Nature’s Co., has just added some more vibrancy into the BeautyWish Box. The box along with 6 gorgeous products and 35% off Discount voucher, now also includes a fascinating Surprise Gift from Green Gardenia (FBTwitter,Instagram) for all the subscribers. Not only this, check out the stunning packaging revealed here Doesn’t this definitely make you say – Yes!The Nature’s Co.: Women’s Day Offer - FLAT 50% offThis purely-gorgeous beauty box goes out to you all at Rs. 595/- only and the last date of booking this box is – 15thMarch’16. (You certainly need to hurry!) If you are looking for the one perfect solution to look great always, think inside the box: try the subscription now at ! Isn’t receiving a box of hand-picked, time-saving goodies at your door each month — specially curated for you, with your name on it — is such a treat, and so convenient.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Subscribe now!
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