Annie Braddock could not decide what to do with her career when graduating from college so she took a job working as a nanny for a rich New York City family. Attempting to tame the wild Grayer and put with with the dysfunction in the home between Mr and Mrs X.
Annie is entering that stage of her life passing from college and attempting to work out what she is going to spend the next 30-40 years doing. I mean its not an easy decision thats for sure, when she attends an interview which goes drastically wrong. She ends up in the park and saves a little boy which sees her being asked to be a nanny, and she has a lot of offers!
Settling for Mrs X who comes across rather nice to begin with, but the rules for being their nanny are a little bit crazy it has to be said. Attempting to ensure that Annie has no life whatsoever and she spends every second with their son Grayer, who is a total nightmare! The embarrasment of working as a nanny means that Annie does not have the heart to tell her hardworking nurse mother Judy what she has ended up doing.
It certainly pushes the boundaries on what nanny’s must do for wealthy families and is not something that is easy at all. You are pretty much acting as both the mother and father for a child that isn’t yours and quite frankly behaves terribly.
When Annie meets Harvard Hottie in the building, yes that is the name she gives them. It is all told as though it is a diary so nicknames are given out. It was against the rules though for her to see him, not that that stops him pursuing her and let’s face it. Look at him!
I like to see this as the film before they became Black Widow and Captain America, we got Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans together! I mean we deserved more from this really, didn’t we! However, I really will watch Johansson in anything and she is still as engaging as ever in this film. Just a shame the plot is rather poor overall.