
The Mystery Behind 0800 Area Code Calls: Who Called Me in the UK?

Posted on the 21 September 2023 by Sandeep Malik


8007613362 who called me in uk 0800 area code : call from an unfamiliar number with an 0800 area code in the UK and wondered, “Who called me?” You’re not alone. Many people across the United Kingdom experience these calls, and they often raise questions about their origins and intentions. into the world of 0800 area code calls, providing you with valuable information on what these calls are, who might be calling, and how to handle them.

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Understanding the 0800 Area Code

The 0800 area code in the UK is reserved for freephone numbers. These numbers are unique because they allow callers to reach the recipient without incurring any charges. Instead, the recipient of the call pays for the cost of the call. Freephone numbers typically start with 0800 or 0808, and they are commonly used by businesses and organizations to offer a free and convenient way for customers to contact them.

Who Might Be Calling You from an 0800 Number?

  1. Businesses and Customer Service: The most common reason you might receive a call from an 0800 number is because a business or organization is trying to reach you. This could be for various reasons, including customer support inquiries, appointment reminders, or follow-ups on services you’ve used.
  2. Charities and Non-profit Organizations: Many charitable and non-profit organizations use 0800 numbers for fundraising campaigns or to provide information about their causes. If you’ve recently donated to a charity or expressed interest in a particular cause, you might receive calls from these organizations.
  3. Government Agencies: Some government agencies also use 0800 numbers to provide information, gather feedback, or conduct surveys. These calls are typically related to public services or government programs.
  4. Telemarketers: While the primary purpose of 0800 numbers is not telemarketing, some companies may misuse them for promotional calls. However, legitimate telemarketers should adhere to regulations, including the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) rules.
  5. Scammers: Unfortunately, scammers may also use 0800 numbers to trick individuals into answering their calls. They may impersonate legitimate businesses, government agencies, or charities to steal personal information or money.8007613362 who called me in uk 0800 area code 

Handling Calls from 0800 Numbers

Now that you have a better understanding of who might be calling you from an 0800 number, let’s explore how to handle these calls effectively.

  1. Answer with Caution: When you receive a call from an 0800 number, it’s generally safe to answer. However, exercise caution if the caller asks for sensitive information like your bank details, Social Security number, or payment information. Legitimate organizations will not request such information over the phone.
  2. Ask for Caller Identification: If you’re unsure about the caller’s identity, ask for their name, the name of the organization they represent, and their contact details. Legitimate callers should be able to provide this information.
  3. Verify the Caller: Before sharing any personal information or agreeing to anything, take a moment to verify the caller’s identity. You can do this by independently searching for the organization’s official contact information online and calling them back using the number from their official website or correspondence.
  4. Register with TPS: To reduce unwanted marketing calls, you can register your number with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). This service is designed to help individuals opt out of receiving unsolicited marketing calls.
  5. Report Suspected Scams: If you believe you’ve received a call from a scammer using an 0800 number, report it to Action Fraud or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This helps authorities track down and take action against fraudulent callers.


8007613362 who called me in uk 0800 area code :area code calls are a common occurrence. While they can come from legitimate businesses, charities, or government agencies, it’s essential to exercise caution and verify the identity of the caller before sharing any personal information. you can navigate calls from 0800 numbers more confidently and protect yourself from potential scams. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to unknown callers in the UK.


  1. What is the 0800 area code, and why do I receive calls from it?

    The 0800 area code in the UK is designated for freephone numbers. You receive calls from this area code because businesses, charities, government agencies, and even potential scammers use these numbers to reach individuals without incurring call charges. It’s a cost-effective way for them to communicate with you.

  2. Are all calls from 0800 numbers legitimate?

    Not necessarily. While many calls from 0800 numbers are legitimate and come from businesses, charities, or government agencies, some calls can be scams. It’s essential to exercise caution and verify the identity of the caller before sharing any personal information or making any commitments.

  3. How can I verify the legitimacy of a call from an 0800 number?

    To verify the legitimacy of a call, ask for the caller’s name, the organization they represent, and their contact details. Then, independently search for the organization’s official contact information online and call them back using the number from their official website or correspondence. Legitimate callers should be able to provide this information without hesitation.

  4. How can I reduce unwanted calls from 0800 numbers?

    To reduce unwanted marketing calls, you can register your number with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). This service allows you to opt out of receiving unsolicited marketing calls. Additionally, you can report suspicious or unwanted calls to authorities like Action Fraud or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

  5. What should I do if I suspect a call from an 0800 number is a scam?

    If you suspect that a call from an 0800 number is a scam, do not share any personal information or make any payments. Hang up the call and report it to Action Fraud or the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Reporting such calls helps authorities take action against fraudulent callers and protect others from falling victim to scams.

<p>The post The Mystery Behind 0800 Area Code Calls: Who Called Me in the UK? first appeared on The News Hunts.</p>

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