I actually read an article about this chandelier recently, where a representative from Ochre said that the more imitations a product spurns, the more the original sells. I thought that was kind of interesting. The reasoning was that the knockoffs show people the true value of the original, hence more sales. I get that, but I think in a lot (but not all) of cases the "knockoff" can be as good as the original.
In this case, Robert Abbey did a similar light, that is also fairly expensive HERE:
And THISone that I think is a bit better (the crystal looks a little better to me), by Eurofase for a little less:
Next, Pottery Barn did a couple. The first is HERE, and I think it is a great alternative for half the price of the first generation knockoffs:
Pottery Barn's other one is HERE, starting at $639:
There are a few cheaper versions, but I don't want to even sow you because they look junky.
Here are images of what I *think* are all the original, but I've been fooled before, so forgive me if I'm wrong about some of them:
What a stunner.
Long time readers may remember when I turned my once-living room into a home office, and I added this chandelier (please ignore the orange bench - it wasn't reupholstered yet in this photo):
I do love that light, but if I could do it again, I would get the Eurofase one instead because it is not as showy.
Here is the one I bought if you are interested:
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