Fashion Magazine

The Most Comfortable Ballet Flats EVER – Yosi Samra

By Kena @campchic

I adore wearing flats! They’re much more comfortable than heels and at times I find them more stylish. These little neon-green wonders are a welcomed addition to my flat shoe collection. BIG thank you to Yosi Samra for the sweet gift. Yosi Samar are behind the genius idea of designing stylish flats that you can carry with you anywhere. They even come with their own storage bag. So if your cutting on rug on the dance floor in your Louboutin heels and your feet need a break. No fear. Just throw on your Yosi Smara flats for a little piece of heaven. I can’t wait to take mine out for a spin. Check out the entire Yosi Samra collection HERE

green shoes




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