No Matter what you call it: mantuary, man space, or a male sanctuary, every Men needs a mans cave to just chill out and be himself. Let’s be honest, the gals always have the final say in house/apartment décor and design. Not that we really care about that stuff, but we need a space of our own without upsetting the female obsession with interior design. Dudepins is here to showcase the man cave essentials that every dude needs to include in his sanctuary. Most of these items are necessities, but some are for those who want the ultimate man cave, the kind that the ladies don’t even want to go near; a man cave so awesome you and the pals may have a hard time leaving. Be sure to share what you think is a man cave necessity by pinning on under Man Caves.
Personalized Man Cave Chalk Board:

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Every man cave needs a few rules. Set them in stone with a personalized man cave chalkboard. Well, maybe not actually set in stone. The only downside is that your wife or girlfriend may make some changes and give you that look that says, “I dare you to change it back.” Challenge accepted.

No man cave is complete without a nice sturdy and cozy recliner. Check out the Simmons Truffle Micro Fiber Fabric Massage Recliner With Cup Holder that includes compartments for all your remotes and a cup holder. Rule #1, no one gets near the recliner, not even the buddies or the dog.

A man cave isn’t just a place to chill out or a hideout during that time of the month; Man caves are a place for you and your buddies to hang out. It’s nice to provide your pals a nice place to sit right? The Manstad from ikea is a decently priced sofa that is actually a sofa bed. Perfect if one of the guys screws up and is kicked out for a couple days. Just let him crash at your place. Dudes look out for each other.
Coffee table:

Whether it’s square, round, triangular, glass, wood, or cardboard, a coffee table is required for drinks and storing random stuff you have no idea where to store. Coffee tables also make excellent foot rests.
Unique shelving:

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Just because it’s called a man cave doesn’t mean you can neglect giving it some character. Add a cool and unique shelf to organize video games, books, and magazines. Choose something that fits your personality, but most of all something that wouldn’t last a second outside the mantuary.
Flat screen TV:

The wide flat screen TV is probably to the number one necessity for too many reasons to count or say. The most important reason would have to be sports. Your wife/girlfriend will be grateful that she won’t have to listen to all of your yelling and swearing during the games, because all of that will be kept within the confinements of the man cave. At the end of the day we really have man caves for their benefit. A “thank you” is long over due.

Game of darts anyone? Sometimes the rest of the house is off limits for peculiar unknown reasons; a dartboard helps to fight boredom anytime. Check out this Bristle dartboard and octagonal dart backboard.
Video game consoles:

Can never have too many video game consoles. Perfect boredom busters.
3-in-1 Air Hockey, Billiards, and Table Tennis Table:

Most of us aren’t going to have a ton of space in our man caves. Sometimes we’re rationed out a spare room or the garage. With this 3-in-1 Air Hockey, Billiards, and Table Tennis Table there is no need to compromise.

That Hungry Man dinner just tastes so much better on the recliner in front of the TV. Some barbeque sauce dripped on the carpet. GOOD, it adds character.
Wet Bar:

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A wet bar is a necessity for making drinks and manly cocktails for yourself and other denizens who happen to stop by. Don’t have space for a full wet bar? Check out this compact folding bar with chrome rails.
Mini Fridge:

There’s nothing like a cold beer while playing video games with your feet relaxed on the coffee table. This double door refrigerator has plenty of space for beers, sodas, and frozen chicken wings.
Let us know what you think is missing from this list. Man up. Sign up. And pin up your man cave essentials on Dudepins.
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