I'd like begin part two of my series on the London locations of BBC drama SS-GB with a big thank you to Len Deighton expert Edward Millward-Oliver who emailed in with a few invaluable pointers for last week's map. Thanks Edward!
Len Deighton's SS-GB continues to unfurl on BBC One Sunday nights. I'm hooked.
A quick catch up…
The Nazis are in London, the war is lost, Churchill has been executed and as the plot writhes this way and that, the viewer is given plenty of time to contemplate the question… what would YOU have done? Resist or accept?
I blogged about the series AND Len Deighton's original thriller HERE.
Last week I started a map of London locations from the series, adding a few from the original book. This week, after episode two, I've added a few more.
Kensington Gardens features in a scene where our lead character, Scotland Yard detective Douglas Archer, meets his Nazi boss Kellerman. Kellerman is out riding the imprisoned King George VI's horse…

The Jerusalem Tavern in Clerkenwell plays the role of the Two Brewers…

… and the old Hornsey Town Hall in Crouch End…

… is used as SS commander Huth's center of operations.
I've added a few more locations from the book, too. Here's the map so far, with more locations to be added as the series progresses…
Viewers in the UK can catch up with Episode One via BBC iPlayer here: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08gfgfp/ssgb-series-1-episode-1
There's a fascinating background piece on the BBC website here: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1gFzPFGN3LBfLH31vHsPPS8/alt-britain-how-ss-gb-turned-london-nazi
The best online resource for all things Len Deighton is The Deighton Dossier, find it here: www.deightondossier.net
And here's the trailer for the series…
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