It’s hard to believe that this week sees the third anniversary of the Literary Sofa and it feels like something to celebrate. The blog continues to grow in popularity with more hits than ever in the last twelve months and this week’s post is, as much as anything, an opportunity for me to say thank you to everyone who reads, shares and comments on my posts, and especially to the stellar line-up of guest authors* who just keep coming, from talented newcomers to high-profile literary novelists. I’d also like to thank the publicists and editors who send me proofs/copies and invite me to events and the many other book bloggers whose posts I enjoy and who are so generous in their support of the Sofa.
Compiling my twice-yearly selections of new titles, Hot Picks in December and Summer Reads, continues to be my favourite part of running the blog and they are the most viewed – I’m currently gathering titles to consider for Hot Picks 2015 which will be posted in mid-December. The new Writers on Location slot I introduced earlier this year, bringing together my love of fiction and travel, has had a fantastic response and you can look forward to discovering lots more intriguing settings and places in the coming months.
It’s been flattering to receive a lot of requests for guest posts on blogging for other websites and to know that the Literary Sofa has been mentioned in workshops on the subject. This week it’s featured in the latest Good Blog Guide on New Writing South. I’ve said all I have to say about blogging for the moment, but you can find these and other external guest posts under the Elsewhere tab.
When I ran the Literary Lunch competition for the first anniversary of the Sofa in 2012, a friend doubted anyone would enter because they didn’t know me, to which I said, ‘well, you enter then, and if you’re right you’ll win’. (It was won by someone I didn’t know). Since then it’s become a bit of a thing – I’ve actually hosted more Literary Lunches than there have been anniversaries, and earlier this year, two very generous people even paid to eat lunch with me in aid of Authors for the Philippines, helping me to raise nearly £200! With my current novel deadline, daytime socialising is a rare treat, so I’m really looking forward to the next one!
If you love food and wine, chatting about books/writing/travel and meeting new people/catching up with a friend (delete as appropriate) enter this year’s competition to join me somewhere lovely in central London any time in the next year on a mutually convenient date.
There are also two book prizes – both superb and featured in recent guest posts – THE UNDERTAKER’S DAUGHTER by Kate Mayfield and STATION ELEVEN by Emily St John Mandel, which is my own personal favourite of 2014. Donors TBC.
Just nominate the ONE book you’ve enjoyed the most in the last year (whether twelve months or in 2014 is not important). It could be anything: memoir, novel, story collection, cookbook, you name it. It doesn’t have to be released this year. One entry per person, and if you want to say why you enjoyed it please keep it brief. It doesn’t matter if you name the same book as another entrant.
The three winners will be selected by random number generator at 5pm UK on Sunday 21 September. The first prize winner will get the choice of the lunch or one of these books. If they do not choose the lunch the second winner will get the same choice, etc. In the event that none of the three winners can make the lunch, further random numbers will be drawn until someone does.
Since the blog has loyal followers all over the world, the competition is open to readers everywhere. However, if book winners live outside UK/Europe, they will receive a gift certificate to the UK cost of the title due to the prohibitive cost of postage.
You do not need to give your email address as I can see it in administrator mode.
Finally, please tell your friends and followers about the Literary Sofa and share the competition through your social networks.
*The guest author slot is by invitation only.
Next week I’ll be joined by Paul Ewen in character as his outrageous alter ego, Francis Plug, author of How To Be A Famous Author. We’re collaborating on a piece about Author Events, and I must admit to being slightly nervous…
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