Electrical Experimenter, 1916, May (by Barros, via Wikipedia)
As it is established, Science is crucial and the major aspect why the world is in constant progress in many types of technologies and other inventions. As well, language is also an imperative tool why Scientists continue to succeed and give details how things function through Science and why this information consecutively usable for the benefit of the people. As result, language and science work together as one to do well to humanity existence.
It isn’t a big question at all why language institutions to learn Spanish languages, French, etc. is being pursued by more and more scientist across the globe to perform their studies. There are young people who wanted to become scientist. Yet most of them find it daunting to comprehend science due to its all hard words to read, write, and spell.
Well, scientific vocabulary is a bulk of little words with different meanings to connect together. In order to understand these little words easier, students have to learn first their meanings. To help them start, the following are some terms of each meaning:
Little Words of Science
meso means “middle”
endo/ intra means “inner”
anti means “against”
arthro means “joint”
bi/ di means “two or double”
bio means “life, living”
cephal means “head”
chloro means “green”
cide means “kill, killing”
derm means “skin”
ecto/ exo means “outer, external”
epi means “above”
gastro means “stomach”
hemo means “blood”
herba means “plants”
hetero means “different”
homo means “similar”
hydro means “water”
hyper means “above”
hypo means “below”
itis means “disease, inflammation”
phobia means “dislike, fear”
mono means “one, single”
morph means “form”
micro means “small”
macro means “large”
multi/ poly means “many”
pod means “foot”
plasm means “form”
proto means “first”
synthesis means “to make”
troph means “eat, consume”
therm means “heat”
zoo/ zoa means “animal”
The language of science is unique, that is why in the unripe minds of students particularly, these little words are a little puzzle to understand but could be achievable if determination is there. It is advisable to start at any language school like English Language School and further.