Expat Magazine

The Kitchen Sh*t Drawer

By Expatmum @tonihargis
...come on, you know you have one. The drawer in the kitchen with no real designation; the one where you shove everything that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Here's mine -
The Kitchen Sh*t Drawer
I have the nerve to have dividers in there as if the stuff's organized or something. It probably was when I first put them in - small scissors and nail clippers in one section, keys (to goodness knows what) in another, spare shoe laces and phone cords neatly wound up and stored where it's easy to find them. There's a section there where we're supposed to store long things like dog brushes (the pink one), lint rollers and scissors.  Those were the days.
Hold on - there is a minor miracle at work here - two pairs of scissors in the drawer. Usually I can't even find one.
And I spy nail polish, which is not supposed to be in there but I obviously couldn't be bothered to take it upstairs. Besides, you never know when my non-existent manicure will need a touch up.
The large pink thing is a dog pop bag and it seems to be stuck to the double-sided sticky tape I have in there. The speckled thing at the bottom right of the photo is a sample of the granite in my kitchen - which was installed 11 years ago. It was appropriate to have it to hand when I was picking out paint colo(u)rs, but again, that was 11 years ago. (Yes, I need to re-paint the kitchen.)
What's in your drawer?
* This post was inspired by a Facebook post from blogger and photo-goddess Jay Emme.

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