I love nothing more than to hear my children's laughter. Life just gets in the way a lot of the time. Both kids are in school Mon-Fri with Dagwood and I both working. So our time together is limited to nights and weekends.
What works for us?
- Laying in bed at night talking about our day turns into tickle fights with both and super hero battles with the little man.
- I am ready for the warm weather to arrive (and stay!) so we can get outside to play more.
- Both kids have active imaginations so it is fun when they want to pretend we are someone else whether I am the child and they are the parent or OM is Spiderman for the day.
- SK loves to have one on one time with both of us. Her daddy makes it a point to have Daddy/Daughter date nights as often as possible. We shoot for once a month. hey get dressed up and go to their special restaurant. Such sweet time. She craves that time whether we are out playing around or just sitting and talking over dinner and dessert. She opens up so much more when we have this time together.
- Now that OM is old enough he really enjoys his one on one time as well. A traditional I really like to keep going!
- Just getting on the floor and rolling around (seeing my hubby on the floor with the kids and being in the moment with them makes me love him ever so much more!), wrestling or having dance parties.
- Anything that leaves the computer, tv and phones untouched.
Whatever it is just make memories! They are growing so very fast and as we look at them when they are sleeping at night I realize that my babies are 3 and almost 7 and just around the corner is a boy taller than me and young woman! Eeek!