The reason I am a mix of emotions is because I am planning the very first Chasing Joy event. I wanted to start having some events for a variety of reasons, including wanting to connect more with you all IRL (in real life). I also want to be part of that segment of bloggers that dispel the myth that bloggers are antisocial, awkward, nerds, who cannot come from behind the computer screen. Now I may be a little nerdy and even awkward at times. But anti social and afraid to come from behind the computer screen I am not.
OK, back to the event. I am planning my 1st event! Yay! Since I have experienced and written about the great Joy that can be received from giving, I thought, what better for my first event than a Charity Event. So you are all invited (provided you'll be in Philly) the The Joy of Giving! A Chasing Joy Event.
Here are the details!
Join me on Saturday October 27th from 6:00 to 9:00pm EST at my favorite boutique for real women with curves, BellaNor Boutique! For three hours we will meet, mingle, enjoy light refreshments, win prizes, and do a little shopping if you like. This event will not cost you any money. However admission is NOT FREE. The cost of entry is one article (or more) of clothing to be donated to the recipient charity BC&W2. The type of clothing we are looking for is career and interview wardrobe, sizes 14 (large) and up for women transitioning from welfare to work.
The charity to benefit from the Clothing Drive is BC&W2, a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) program that provides discounted and free career wardrobe and tailoring to men and women going from welfare to work. BC&W2 initially started out providing only men's clothing but discovered there was a lack of free and discounted clothing available for plus sized women. Hence, our focus on womens' size 14 and up.
I am so excited about this. Aren't you??? If you are wondering how you can get involved or help here's how.
Come to the event!!! If you are in town join me that day. Registration is preferred. Respond to the event on Facebook here and /or Respond to the eventbright registration here.
If you are a blogger then blog about this event. I challenge you to a writing prompt. Tell me about the time you felt the greatest Joy from giving. Include info about tThe Joy of Giving! A Chasing Joy Event and I'll tweet, share, google plus, and stumble the heck out of your post :-)
Become a sponsor!!! I already have a few great sponsors lined up. But I need some more to make this event a success. Remember this event is for charity. I am not making money from this event so I need all the help I can get. Both sponsors to donate or contribute towards the refreshments and sponsors to donate products and or services to be given away as door prizes. What do you get from being a sponsor? Other than that warm feeling you'll have in your heart from know your supporting a great cause. You will get the opportunity to attend the event and talk one on one with future and or current customers. You will get your logo and link to your website listed on Chasing Joy for free until November 2012. (normal advertising rates are listed here). You will enter into a joyful business relationship with me which includes me shouting your praises to all of my readers and focusing my social networking skills on you via Tweets and FB Shares.
What if I am smaller than a size 14, can I still attend? Of course, However, the cost of admission will not change. But I bet you know a lovely curvy girl who has some women's size work clothes that she is ready to get rid of. Tell her about the cause and get her to raid her closet.
So spread the word, come meet me in person and support a great cause. Use hashtage #JoyofGiving to talk aobut the event on twitter. Who is comming to the event? How will you get involved with the event???