The Indian World
India is always a matter of curiosity for the western world.For being among the oldest civilizations of the world they always tried to find more about India and went for voyages to discover India and its culture & tradition. It was this culture and tradition of India, the quality of assimilation of every good thing into it which has attracted the world over from centuries and is continuing doing so even today. People say that India was robbed by many foreign invaders and rulers but I say that they have lost their everything to us by enriching our culture.It is this quality due to which world is becoming more Indian than what we think.
Today in this modern world also India is attracting everyone be it as world's biggest consumer market or as spiritual and cultural destination. Look at the big multinational brands , they are launching India specific products. Companies like McDonald's,Pizza Hut,etc have introduced Indian flavors to their menu. Levi's Jeans and other such brands have Indian fits and styles to their collection. They have became Indian. The Lufthansa airlines as their TV commercial suggests serve Indian food in their flights and offer Indian hospitality, such thinks are rare in other airlines. This is more Indian than we actually think or I should say we never think to connect it to India having its association with Germany. But it has embraced Indian culture which even lacked by some Indian airlines. It is this closeness of Lufthansa with Indian culture which has made it the no. 1 European airline of India.
The Indian culture have attracted the whole world. With increase in globalization the Indianization of the world has also started. We have seen US president giving Diwali wishes and lighting candles in the white house, Hollywood female actors are draping themselves in Indian Saree the famous attire of Indian women and why only female actors, male actor to carry Indian attires on their bodies, Indian musicians,singers and dancers are part of bands, concerts, movies and albums of foreign celebrities, some Hollywood movies premiere first in Indian market and than in the US, many world leaders wishes happy independence day to India and even display tricolors of Indian flag at their important places, this is the charm of Indian culture which is making the world Indianized.
If we look at these things we can say that the world belongs more to India now than to the any other country of the world. I am sure it will grow like this even more and the Indian hospitality, cuisine and entertainment provided by Lufthansa airline will also copy by others soon, see this video
This post is written for 'More Indian than You Think' by Lufthansa in association with Indiblogger