The great thing about being persistent is becoming successful. When you have succeeded and become successful in spite opposition the feeling is really great.
When I just started out making websites, professional site builders would look down on me as a "noob" and "unprofessional". In fact, this was the truth, I was unprofessional compared to them. This would normally discourage me, making me feel unwanted in the blogging world. Giving up would get me nowhere, so I had to be persistent if I wanted to be a successful blogger and make my name in the blogging world.
Being Persistent means that despite of opposition and discouragement you are willing to persevere. Not willing to give up. I certainly didn't give up. I wanted to be in the blogging world.
Why Should You Be Persistent
Blogging isn't as easy as you might think it is. No doubt when you think about blogging you want to quit your 9 to 5 and stand out as a blogger in this big blogging world. Top bloggers who are making six figures online in the blogging world can tell you that it was a great journey, it really paid off in the end and it wasn't a walk in the park.
If you want to be one of those top bloggers you have to be persistent.
You have to be persistent in...
Your blog must stand out. There are a lot of blogs that look alike and sometimes have the same content. You wouldn't want to join the list of "look alike blogs". Be creative, be unique and stand out from the crowd. Develop a good writing pattern so that you can make your blog posts fun and easy to read. Make your blog design look and feel different from other blogs by installing a vibrant theme. Try to be different in everything you do on your blog.
Without traffic your blog is just a waste of time. Driving traffic to your site is one of the most challenging task you could face as a blogger. But with all of these social media sites, driving traffic is just a few clicks away. Some of these social media sites are Twitter, Stumble Upon, YouTube, Facebook, etc. Share and promote each blog posts on social media sites. You can also use other blogs to drive traffic to your blog by doing guest posts and blog commenting.
Content is king. Having good contents on your blog is the best thing you can do to make a name for yourself in the big blogging world. Be sure to write contents that will satisfy your readers appetite and needs. Write contents with your readers in mind, not for search engines.
The Importance & Benefits
Depending on the blog that you create you can achieve great benefits. But first you have to know the importance of being a blogger.
It is important to blog because everybody is doing it and blogging Is the next big thing. You can make a good name for yourself as well by providing quality contents to your readers.
There are great benefits that comes with being a blogger. Some of these benefits are:
- This is a great way to escape the 9 to 5.
- Make money online blogging.
- Show off your good writing skills.
- Blogging has said to relieve stress.
In Conclusion
There are millions of blogs in hundreds or even thousands on niches all over the web. So which ever niche that you decide to find yourself in, there will be competition and discouragement. This is where the importance of persistent and choosing the right niche comes into play. Choosing the right niche for your blog is really important because this determines the level and uniqueness of your blog's foundation.
Group Discussion
Do you have a blog? If so, did you face opposition from competitors in your niche? Did you apply persistence while making your blog?