Fashion Magazine

The ‘If I Had a Boyfriend…’ Valentine’s Wishlist

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush



However, if I did have a boyfriend, the chances are he would not like anything that I have included here. Why are some boys weird about girls’ fashion? Some boys –not all obviously- just expect us to dress ‘like a girl’ all the time and never branch out; did anyone read the article in the Feb issue of Company? ‘I love it, he hates it..’ was what it was called, and was basically 4 fashion bloggers who’s boyfriends didn’t like certain pieces they wore. It was fab to see the bloggers just sort of laugh it off and not let it stop them from being who they are though. I’ve been in relationships where my other half didn’t like certain things I wore but I just thought ‘naff off’ no way am I turning in my well thought out clothes for a pitiful Hollister hoody and a pair of plain leggings to show off my backside – needless to say he was a complete Geordie Shore style knob. 

So, back to the matter in hand: I love trying new styles and pieces when I can afford it, sometimes I get it wrong, sometimes I get it right, but with it being so cold lately I seem to be layering up for practical reasons with very little thought into what I am actually putting on. I feel like I have lost myself, and in turn I have found a fleeced and woolen very frail lady in return. Where am I? Where have I gone?

I am creating a somewhat sort of collage of magazine cut outs and images that inspire me, as I am in dire need of fashionable slap in the face right now. I ordered these creepers (B.) from Linzi’s shoes earlier in the week, unfortunately I had ordered them in blue instead of black, but the size fitted perfect and they are so comfy. I am awaiting the black ones currently after sending the blue ones back, and I am sure I will acquire another pair in the coming months as they are perfect for throwing on with skinnies.

I seen these Motel jeans (C.) on a few bloggers and they look fab; I always thought they were old and I had missed the boat but I found them on Topshop for fifty two pounds..!?! Before finding them on their proper home on for only £48 –phew. The backpack (D.) is a practical yet stylish alternative to my massive leather bag I often haul around with me at uni.

In terms of make up there aren’t many things I want to try as I am pretty happy with my look; I do intend to buy the Real Techniques stippling brush (E.) on the 15th Feb when they are launched into Boots stores as I think it will work really well with the Clinique Even Better foundation (F.) that I am going to repurchase next week too. The Topshop cream blush in Flush (G.) just looks beautiful and the stippling brush can help me with this one now, having never been a pro at applying cream blushes.

What are we all wanting this month? The weather is making it so difficult to shop sensibly!

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